Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition) - Chapter 87 - ngilerjo - 日本国召喚 - みのろう | Nihonkoku Shoukan (2024)

Chapter Text

September 10 , 1616 Central Calendar

Magala Familia Central Hospital, Junis District, Runepolis

The moment the cars arrived at the parking lot, Meteos felt an almost physical tug urging him towards the hospital entrance, thus without any second thoughts he decided to humor such impulse and immediately sprinted out of Roderick’s car to get to his destination as soon as possible. However, self-control kicked in not long after that and he paused before the looming glass doors, glancing back to catch the silent understanding in his parents’ and older siblings’ eyes.

Meteos didn’t need to be told twice after that. He dashed through the opened entrance, past the security guard, and into the spacious lobby with the rest of the Rogueriders in tow.

Scanning the lobby, his gaze immediately snagged on a pair of distinct heads of silver hair amidst the throng of people. There, just past the reception desk, briskly walked Annette and her father, along with Nadia who in this Third Timeline lived with them in the Pendragon residence.

“There they are…!” Meteos’ voice cut through the lobby chatter, delivered loud and distinct enough to cause all three to halt their steps and swivel towards him in recognition.

Meteos felt the earlier surge of frantic energy die down as he neared the three. Taking a deep breath, he willed his pace to a calmer walk and strode up to them.

“Your Grace, Lady Pendragon, and Nadia, we came here as soon as we heard the ne—ah!!”

Seeing the arrival of another one of her cherished friends flooded the younger Pendragon noblewoman with emotions. For a heartbeat, Annette froze as her anxiety was momentarily thrown off balance by the sight of him. Then, in a rush that surprised them both, she launched herself and buried her face in his shoulder. A portion of the pent-up worry of the past year dissolved into a deluge of relief. Not caring how undignified she may look at that moment, Annette basked in the embrace’s warmth as she clung tightly to Meteos.

“Sorry, but I’m just so glad…!”

“……I know. There, there. It’s okay.”

While lending her his shoulder, Meteos gently whispered as his hands returned his quietly sobbing friend’s gesture and pondered to himself.

It was all thanks to Astarte’s mortal guise’s role that this level of unrestrained expression of affection was possible between them. As far as this timeline is concerned, one Meteos Roguerider too has very good reasons for his eagerness in seeing “Guinevere Pendragon” again. The memories, fabricated or not, felt real. The emotions, echoes of a manufactured life, burned true. Stifling a sigh, Meteos tightened his hold on Annette ever so slightly. As usual, questioning the Third Timeline memories and the depth of this incarnation’s bond would be a pointless exercise. With the second chance of life and whatnot, probing it like an illusion would be akin to spitting on that gift—a disservice to the only heroic deity of Ars Goetia when the others gladly abandoned this world for getting high on cosmic drugs. How many times he has had to extol Astarte’s virtues like that? Well…As many times as he could.

Glancing past Annette, Meteos locked gazes with her father and Nadia. The Good Duke’s usually neutral expression was now adorned with a small tired smile in their direction. With a gentle hand on Nadia’s shoulder, he ushered her forward to join the silver-haired pair.

Nadia hesitated for a moment, her shyness battling with the joy of seeing Meteos. But the emotion eventually won. Beckoned by her boyfriend, she shuffled closer and reached out, wrapping her arms around the two, turning the hug into a warm group embrace.

Annette’s sobs gradually subsided, and she managed to pull back just enough to look up at Meteos and Nadia while brushing stray tears from her cheeks. Her eyes were red-rimmed but filled with gratitude. “Thank you… for being here…”

“Of course, Anna. Guinevere, she’s…”

Meteos took a deep breath. Racking his mind for apt words, he settled with a description that did not conflict with the narrative that this Third Timeline had established. Given the two families’ close relations and Astarte’s own kindness in her incarnations, it seemed appropriate that Meteos and his household think of her this way: “…She’s like a dear sister to us too. Isn’t it only natural that we would want to be by her side?”

Amidst the exchange of warm smiles between the three, Annette momentarily glanced away and mumbled something inaudible to herself. Nevertheless, she managed to find her voice again.

“You’re right… I’m just so glad you’re here,” she reiterated softly.

Giving her a reassuring nod, Meteos turned slightly towards Nadia. “Is everything okay?”

“Mm, actually we just arrived ourselves.”

“I see.”

The rest of the Rogueriders reached the scene not long after. Roderick stepped forward and firmly clasped Duke Pendragon’s hand.

“Your Grace, we’re so relieved to hear that Lady Guinevere is recovering and come as fast as we could.”

The Good Duke was understandably melting in relief at the joyful news, but he still carried himself with a dignified presence as he nodded. “Thank you, President Roguerider, Mrs. Roguerider, for always supporting my daughter.”

“It’s been a long and agonizing wait, but Lady Guinevere will not have to suffer anymore,” Meteora smiled sadly.

“Now that we’re all here… let’s not waste any more time, then?”

“Indeed, let us then,” the Duke gestured towards a hallway behind the reception desk.

Ever mindful of social graces, Roderick bowed slightly and mirrored the Duke. “After you, sir.”

The rest of them followed the Duke’s lead, forming a small procession that snaked its way through the lobby and down a brightly lit hallway. The hurried nature of their arrival had settled, replaced by anticipation. Flanked by Meteos and Nadia, Annette held their hands tightly, gently squeezing them with each step. With these two pillars standing by her side, light gradually returned to her countenance.

Before long, they arrived in front of the door of their destination.


“…They say that they’re practically rushing to hospital after hearing the news and are going to be here soon.”

The bedridden beauty giggled softly at how Ace chose his words. Despite the weakness in her voice, it was so infectious that the usually gloomy-looking young man couldn’t help but crack a smile in response.

Gently rubbing her hand as he sat beside the hospital bed, Ace further encouraged the young woman.

“They can’t wait to see you.”


Guinevere Pendragon, born under the Year 1598 Central Calendar just a few moons after the Roguerider’s first quadruplet, is the firstborn daughter of the current head of the House of Pendragon, the traditional holders of the Lord Mayor’s position in the Imperial Capital Runepolis. The inherited beauty of her mother flowed through her veins, with long, silver hair from her father that cascaded down her back and warm blue eyes that held an undeniable charm. When Roderick Roguerider brought his family to the Imperial Capital and conducted business with the city’s ruler, the relationship between the two families of differing social statuses was already cordial thanks to Roderick’s success in giving an excellent first impression on the Good Duke. However, after a certain event in the past when Guinevere and the quadruplets were still newborn, the two houses grew even closer. Regardless of what transpired during that time, its consequence was undeniable – a bond stronger than mere cordiality formed between the Pendragons and the Rogueriders. This closeness eventually extended to their children as well.

Given their proximity in age and frequent interactions arranged by their parents, Guinevere and the Roguerider quadruplets became inseparable companions. They frolicked on the vast gardens of the Pendragon estate together, climbed the trees that dotted the landscape, and even sometimes pulled harmless pranks on their respective staff members. Among the quadruplets, Guinevere found herself particularly drawn to Ace Roguerider, the fourth son. Long story short, a tender intimacy blossomed between them as they matured until this childhood affection turned into a full-fledged romantic relationship. The world seemed perfect.

Until one day a year ago.

To celebrate Guinevere’s graduation from high school, the pair decided to go on a hike. However, fate took a cruel turn. A sudden tremor rocked the ground and panic took hold as the earth gave away, a landslide thundering down the mountainside and swallowing them. Ace vaguely remembered that he tried to shove Guinevere out of harm’s way in the spur of the moment, only for it to end in vain. When the dust settled, rescue teams found Ace to be unconscious and relatively unharmed, but Guinevere suffered a head injury that rendered her comatose.

Naturally, all parties concerned spared no expense. The Duke ensured that his daughter received the most advanced treatment available. However, despite the relentless efforts, Guinevere remained unresponsive.

Even though the Duke in his grief harbored no resentment towards Ace, the devastated young man himself was drowning in a sea of self-recrimination. As the time passed, he became increasingly withdrawn, perturbed, and irate. His younger brother Meteos was the only one exception to this self-imposed isolation, to whom Ace showed his kind old self.


It was painfully easy to draw parallels between this Third Timeline’s backstory set for him with Kagaseo’s own journey.

A growing bond, an abrupt encounter with a marching unstoppable force of nature, and an act to save a cherished one only to end in vain.

Not unlike back then, when he was still Amatsu-Mikaboshi, watching over the Linto in contentment…

The impermanence of worldly things he could understand. The Linto’s ending of going extinct when the Yamut launched their Manifest Destiny on the corners of the ancient Japanese archipelago he could eventually accept, but it was Shamash’s own actions that were getting out of line. Acting based on her own sense of justice without caring for others typical of gods, she concluded that Pestilence’s way of reaching happiness was the correct one and acted accordingly, becoming an agent of Apocalypse by enforcing its absolutely unnatural means. The Civilization Annihilation Game.

Just because Shamash was the supreme deity of the pantheon and Amatsu-Mikaboshi was but an obscure deity worshipped by uncivilized barbarians, they couldn’t be bothered to hear his admonishments, and worse, they thought they could simply get rid of him for being an annoyance on the side of the road. When the entire Takamagahara came down on him, it was a miracle he could even escape with his life. Maybe they also laughed at his retreating back as the humiliated Amatsu-Mikaboshi limped into parts unknown, away from Earth.

He was already so powerless even as a god, even less being a mere enhanced mortal. Most of all, he dreaded what was to come after this.

The solution to his predicament seemed simple enough. Just get more power! But as expected, there’s absolutely no way the reality would be that straightforward. Even if it somehow did, there are still ones that will forcibly overturn that at their leisure.

Pestilence himself actually didn’t give a damn that Shamash was trying her hardest in currying his favor by doing everything he commanded without fail. If anything, it only served to prove that Shamash was even more despicable than the average Civilization Annihilation Game Audience due to her willingness to partake in actively endangering others for “the greater good” and was destined to perish by Pestilence’s judgment. Should Kagaseo pity her?

…No. Disgust almost contorted Ace’s features at the mere idea of offering Shamash sympathy. Her pursuit of “justice” had paved the path for the Game’s atrocities, leaving a trail of suffering in its wake. Yet, a somber sigh escaped his lips. Goddess Astarte, in her infinite benevolence, would likely feel a pang of sorrow for Shamash’s destined downfall and lament her misguided determination. Even stripped of her divinity by the selfsame thief, Goddess Astarte is just too benevolent to hate someone. The main issue was that she lacked the power to stand up for herself… to defend her ideals.


He looked up from his self-reflection when the now-awake and stable Guinevere whispered his name. The moment after she opened her eyes, a flurry of activity had erupted where the hospital staff came in immediately to assess her condition. She’s been bedridden all this time, so she’s going to require a lot of physical therapy with healing magick continued to be employed to boost her recovery, but she doesn’t have any paralysis or other aftereffects for now. All things considered, Guinevere’s recovery could be considered swift.

Now, as the last of the medical staff exited, leaving them in a moment of privacy, Ace sat beside her bed once more.

“Ace. Have you been… ill?” she rasped with a slight frown. “You look…”

“What—? Ill…?”

Momentarily stunned by the unexpected question, Ace shook his head and let out a shaky breath.

“…I’m completely fine. Don’t worry about me. You should be focusing on getting better. That’s all that matters right now, right?”

But the concern in Guinevere’s eyes wouldn’t be dismissed. “Mmm… A year, isn’t it…? I’ve been out for a year.”

Ace somberly nodded.

“…I’m sorry,” she continued. “I’m really sorry for leaving you behind for so long…”

“That feels so wrong, to hear the one just waking up from her coma apologizing to the one who is healthy. Please don’t do that, Gwen. If anything… I should be the one at fault…!”

“But you must be hurting too.”

When Ace flinched, Guinevere gripped his hand tighter.

“Ace, could it be… Father and Anna blame you for what had happened?”

Ace slowly shook his head. “…I am ashamed of myself. I really don’t deserve their kindness.”

“Ah…” Guinevere smiled in understanding. At the same time, it brought her warmth and pride in her family for not letting their grief color their judgment of those who are truly undeserving.

Still, something in Ace’s eyes told her that he was withholding something else. Is there perhaps something he can’t tell Guinevere?

Ace started again amidst her growing worry.

“…Say, Gwen.”


“How much do you remember?”


Guinevere hesitated. The question itself was vague, making her unsure of what part Ace expected of her memory to answer.

“Actually, I was worried… that you might be suffering from amnesia,” Ace heaved a loud sigh and reluctantly turned away to face the windows.

It was a technically true statement, after all. Astarte is now a goddess who doesn’t know that she is a goddess due to the Game stealing her memories and divinity.

“A-amnesia…” Guinevere parroted.


Both were about to open their mouths again, but the words died on their lips as a gentle rapping on the door jolted them both.

“It must be them,” Ace’s gaze snapped toward the sound, rising from his seat to answer the door.

As Ace moved to the side, Guinevere could see a group of figures standing framed by the doorway. Her father, the Duke, stood tall at the front. Beside him was a young teenager who choked back a sob upon seeing her while giving a tearful smile—Annette, her younger sister. Further back, Guinevere spotted a silver-haired boy around Annette’s age. Something told her that he must be Meteos, Ace’s younger brother who was currently holding the hand of a worried-looking pretty blonde-haired girl… but was he always that tall? She couldn’t recall him having the same height as Ace.


“Anna… Father…”

Guinevere braced herself when seeing her sister practically leap towards her bed to wrap her arms tightly around her and bury her face in the crook of Guinevere’s neck.

“Sister! I… I missed you so much!”

Guinevere reached out and gently stroked Annette’s hair. “My sister… my beautiful sister…” she murmured lovingly. “It’s alright, I’m here now.” Leaning in slightly, she planted a soft kiss on her sister’s cheek, the tender gesture speaking volumes more than words ever could.

Across the room, the Duke watched the reunion unfolded and turned toward Ace who was still standing near the doorway. As he reached the younger man, the Duke placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Thank you. For always staying by Guinevere’s side. You’ve done more than anyone could ask.”

“Your Grace…”

After the Duke, Meteos prompted Nadia to step inside ahead of him before quietly sidling up to Ace.

“How is she?”

Turning briefly to see the Pendragons, Ace’s defeated grimace when he returned to face Meteos was a bitter one.

“I see.”

“If only I had more power, all of this…”

Even at this time worthy of celebrating, Pestilence, the Civilization Annihilation Game, and the Audience’s shadow continued to weigh upon Amatsu-Mikaboshi.


“Hey. Master texted back. He said to wait at the lobby.”

“Oh, well… I guess we’ll just have to wait.”

Walman and Adonis’ four apprentices who arrived later found themselves sitting around the many circular tables that adorned the hospital lobby as requested by the latter’s mentor. Following Adonis’ directions, Kaios had already signaled their arrival by giving a missed call to Adonis’ grimoire and a short text message for good measure. However, as Adonis was apparently still occupied with family matters involving Young Lady Pendragon’s sister and their families, the group was told to wait until he was available.

After spending almost half an hour doing practically nothing, Kaios started to fidget in his seat. If he were still in Parpaldia, he would’ve been busy volunteering to do chores alongside his father’s men. Sitting still and doing nothing wasn’t really young Kaios’ preference. He wanted to go out a bit and look around this impressive-looking building—yes, it was a hospital. One with a very magnificent-looking façade with an architectural style reminiscent of Parpaldia’s Paradis Palace as he recalled from memory or Mu’s royal palace. However, Adonis could appear at any moment, and Kaios didn’t want to disrespect his mentor by not being there when he arrived.

Eventually, Kaios silently nudged Walman who was staring at the people coming and going next to him.

“Um. I wonder why we are called here? Do you think it’s something important?”

Walman shot the blonde boy an incredulous look and whined, “Why are you asking me? He probably wants to talk about some team stuff.”


Kaios chewed his lip deep in thought. While idly listing the possibilities, his hunch for some reason said that it might be related to their recent performance at the Imperial Board’s Qualification Phase exam. Now that he thought about it, have the results out yet? Was there something Adonis wanted to discuss or clarify regarding it?

“What are you doing, anyway?”

Catching the blonde’s curious gaze, Walman shrugged nonchalantly. “Just, you know, people-watching.”


“What…? You sound like you’re not convinced,” the brunette retorted, raising an eyebrow at him.

“N-no… I wasn’t doubting you—I mean…”

Walman grinned. “Heh. You’re really easy to tease, aren’t you?”

When Elto who was silently listening to them quipped with an affirmation, Kaios was torn between protesting or slumping in embarrassment. He instinctively did the latter.

Leaving Kaios to sulk and argue with Elto, Walman turned to look at the entrance again when a movement caught his attention enough for him to perk up from his slouch. Noticing the change of gesture and following Walman’s gaze, Kaios and his team spotted their sister team’s mentor, Robin, arriving through the entrance with her husband and son. When the bespectacled woman’s gaze zeroed in on them, Robin’s face broke into a wide grin. With Arthur and Tristan in tow, she quickly made her way to the group.

“Good day, guys!”

“Ooh, Teacher! Mr. Arkland and Tristan too, you’re deciding to visit today too?”

Robin nodded. “Yeah, among other things.”

Looking to each of the apprentices in turn, she continued. “I assume Adonis is still upstairs?”

“Yes, he is. We’ve been waiting here for about half an hour now,” Irmiya commented.

A thoughtful look crossed the older woman’s face as she nodded. “I see. Well, I suppose it can’t be helped. Perhaps we should wait here as well and we can do ‘it’ together. Is that okay, Artie?”

“Very well.”

Arthur gave a small nod and crouched down to his young son’s eye level. “Now, how about we go see that garden we saw earlier?”

Tristan’s eyes lit up. “Can I catch bugs?”

“Uh…” Arthur stammered. “We’ll see…?”


With Tristan enthusiastically pulling his father along, Arthur led the little boy towards the back of the lobby where a set of double doors led outside. Their departure left the apprentices and Robin facing each other with a comfortable silence settling over the group.

“Teacher,” Walman called out. “Let me guess, is there going to be some info or something?”

Settling down on a chair, Robin grinned. “That should be right. But! Like I said, better wait until these kids’ mentor show up.”

“Oh, come on! A little leak, please?”

“Shh! No spoilers!”

Walman groaned and crossed his arms in exasperation.

Adonis’ arrival several minutes later wasn’t grand, but it did stir the group. When the main lift doors opened, it revealed not just the silver-haired mage himself, but also a small entourage trailing behind him. His younger brother and Nadia flanked Adonis on one side, while Annette with a tired but relieved smile walked on the other.

The sight instantly perked everyone up. Kaios who had been slumping in his chair moments ago straightened his posture, while Robin simply offered a knowing smile towards the approaching group. With this, the apprenticeship teams’ alliance had convened entirely, though it was unusual to hold a meeting in a hospital lobby of all places.

“Apologies for the wait, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day.”

With everyone settled and their attention captured, Adonis and the rest of the new arrivals sat down on a nearby empty section of chairs.

Turning to the other mentor, Adonis inquired, “Did you bring them?”

In response, Robin reached underneath her coat to retrieve a stack of four identical brown envelopes and handed them to Adonis, who shuffled them slightly before setting them face down on the table. With Robin pulling out four more of these envelopes, even Elto couldn’t hide the curiosity in her eyes as the sight of them caught their attention.

“There’s a reason I called you all here today,” Adonis explained.

“So, before coming here, I made a quick stop at the Imperial Board’s headquarters, I know you have a good guess of which one, right?” Robin continued with a teasing tone.

The apprentices erupted in a flurry of excited whispers. ‘Don’t tell me, it’s the Magical Arts Supervision one?’ the foreigner team thought.

“Are you saying…”

“That’s right, Walman! Today happens to be the day they release the results for the Qualification Phase Exam. Ooooh… what’s it gonna be? Will it be another good news, or nah!?”

“Teacher…” Robin’s team chided her at the same time.

In any case, the news made all the apprentices excited and anxious. The envelopes, a tangible representation of studying and countless practices, sat on the table and radiated an invisible pressure.

Adonis cleared his throat and pointed towards the envelopes. “Your names are written on them. Why don’t you each open yours?”

Tension hung heavy as the apprentices exchanged wary glances. Following Adonis’ instruction, Irmiya decided to do it first and cautiously reached for the envelope bearing his name. With a deep breath, he tore it open only for his face to fall as he scanned the contents.

“Fail, eh?” the half-Altaran muttered, his voice laced with disappointment but a hint of acceptance. “Ranked in the Upper #3000s.”

He himself wasn’t surprised. In the first place, no one really expected the foreigner team, still acclimating to the Holy Milishial Empire even now, to pass its most prestigious anddifficultexam for magical arts practitioners on their first attempt. Regardless of the outcome, however, their participation alone would boost their respective countries’ standing and recognition, particularly among mages.

Despite already being the strongest superpower and often considered overpowered, the Holy Empire continued to increase its national power. Feeling confident, they began sharing more with other countries and helping to uplift their civilizations. Student exchanges like this one were examples of these efforts. Behind the scenes, this was part of the World’s Defense Line plan devised by the Rogueriders for a stronger Ars Goetia, a plan that accelerated now that Amon of the White Lotus continued to insert more and more collaborators into other countries.

After Irmiya, Elto decided to pick up her envelope. Her movements were deliberate as she unfolded the paper, her blue eyes betraying a flicker of disappointment before settling into a calm resignation. “Fail,” she announced softly, “Upper #3000s as well.” Like Irmiya, her limitations were well-understood.

Gabriel was the third to open the envelopes. His expression remained unreadable as he skimmed the contents, a slight nod escaping his lips. “Fail, Mid #3000s,” the Lourian prince stated with a dignified tone.

The mood began to shift as Nadia hesitantly reached for hers. When she opened the envelope, a gasp escaped her lips, followed by a shy smile that slowly bloomed into a radiant one. On the paper, she was listed as Ranked #101. Passing Grade.

“What’s the verdict!?” Walman impatiently pressed, quite anxious himself.

“P-Pass!” she exclaimed, clutching the envelope to her chest.



“Well done, Nadia.”

“Thank you so much, everyone…!”

The revelation sparked a chain reaction among Robin’s team. Walman barely contained his excitement and ripped his envelope open. Bursting with energy, he roared, “Pass! Ranked #69!”

Next was Annette. The moment she scanned hers, a bright smile, wider than Nadia’s, stretched across her face.

“Ranked… Ranked #3!?”

The table erupted in gasps. A top three ranking was a prestigious achievement, and for Annette, who wasn’t expecting it, part of her wondered who could have possibly placed higher than her while being shocked herself.

Next to her, Meteos faintly smiled after he finished reading.

“Pass,” he announced coolly. “I also got a commendation for being the fastest examinee this round, apparently.”

“What about the ranking!?”

“What rank?”

“Meteos, if you somehow not ranked first after pulling off that sh—stunt back then I swear—”

“Alright, alright! I admit it!”

Showing off his letter to the rest of the group, they could see that#1was clearly written on it. In other words, not only the prodigy blazed through the exam in record time this year, he also secured the coveted top spot. With the revelation of Meteos’ achievement sending a wave through the group, applause and praises soon erupted.

“Haha! Incredible, Kid! Top rank, that’s amazing!” Robin proudly exclaimed.

“You really are a prodigy, aren’t you?” Elto chimed in.

Irmiya, while he was still disappointed, offered him a nod. “Congratulations, Meteos. I think it’s well-deserved.”

Suddenly, a loud voice cut through the air. “That’s right! Since Meteos just aced the whole thing, he should treat us all to a fancy dinner!” Annette declared.


“I ranked third, so my treat on drinks, of course,” she added with a mischievous wink.

A groan escaped Meteos. However, after being bombarded with questions and playful jabs, he eventually agreed, to which there’s much rejoicing from the group.

Excellent work, Meteos, you really are something else,’ Kaios thought with a smile. Still caught in his musings, he didn’t realize at first that the excited chatter and celebratory air started to die down. When he finally felt it, he hesitantly looked around to find that all eyes were now on him. What was happening? Did he miss something important?

Just as Kaios was about to blurt out a question, Meteos spoke up.

“Kaios? You haven’t opened yours yet,” he pointed out, gesturing at the remaining sealed envelope on the table.

Kaios’ eyes widened. His envelope. Right. He had completely forgotten about it in the midst of the joyous chaos. With trembling hands, he slowly tore open the seal and scanned the contents quickly. The words on the paper seemed to dance before his eyes.

“Kaios Ashmeyer van Deventer, uh…” he mumbled. “We hereby inform you that…mumblemumblemumblemumble…”

More mumbling.

“………Oh. Here it is. It says that I passed with a rank of #256. Mm-hmm,” he nodded to himself and looked around.

To his bewilderment, the Parpaldian boy saw that everyone was grinning at him with smiles wider and brighter than the midday sun. He blinked, momentarily confused. Had Kaios missed some inside joke? Raising an eyebrow, he cleared his throat. “So, about this fancy dinner…”

With a chuckle, Adonis called out. “Kaios, why don’t you read that again? Slowly this time.”

“Hm? O-okay…?”

Kaios hesitated, then brought the letter back up to his eyes. He read slowly, making sure that he followed all the lines. Then, a flicker of recognition sparked in his eyes, slowly spreading into a look of complete and utter disbelief. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning.

“So, what does it say?”

“Eh? No way…!?”

A beat of stunned silence followed, then the table erupted.

“Pass…? Wait—I PASSED!?”

“Passing Grade!”

“Nice one, buddy!” Irmiya fist-pumped.

“All that hard work paid off, isn’t it?”

“You bring honor to your family name!”

“Well, I guess having one of ours passing is quite a consolation prize for our foreigner team,” Elto nodded approvingly, giving a rare beaming smile at Kaios.

Still overwhelmed with shock, Kaios could only nod and grin like an idiot. He hugged back those who hugged him and shook the hands that reached to him.

As the celebratory frenzy subsided, Robin, her smile wide with pride for both teams, stood up to address everyone. “Alright, everyone settle down for a moment. Now, congratulations to all of you for reaching this point, and to anyone less fortunate this time, don’t lose heart! However, for those who passed, the journey isn’t over yet.”

Adjusting her glasses, Robin continued. “The next phase of the Imperial Board’s exam this year is known as the Tournament Phase. The top 256 qualifying candidates will be participating in a series of action-packed rounds! This phase will be divided into two stages. The first is the Group Stage, where you’ll be placed in randomly assigned groups and tackle the assigned tasks while cooperating with people unfamiliar with you. Those judged to be the top two from each group will then advance to the Knockout Stage, a single-elimination tournament that will determine the ultimate victor.”

After that, Adonis added. “The twist is that you don’t necessarily have to win in order to pass the exam. Even the winner isn’t guaranteed to pass either. Winning the rounds merely means that you will have more opportunity to showcase your skills to the judges.”

“You’ll be given one and a half months to prepare for the Tournament Phase. During this time, you can refine your skills, strategize for your matches, and work on any weaknesses you may have identified.”

Kaios, still processing the news of his passing grade, finally glanced down at his letter again. Ranked #256. He had passed, but just barely. It seemed fate had a funny way of playing out. They had all come so far, and this was just the next step. He might have been the last one standing in the foreigner team, but he decided that he wouldn’t let that deter him.

At that moment, his eyes locked on to Meteos’ own.

“…Let’s do our best?” he blurted out before he knew it.

Not caring that the other boy was about to combust upon realizing that he was talking without thinking again, Meteos extended his fist towards Kaios, offering a fist bump.

“Absolutely. Let’s do our best.”

Ars Goetia Secret


Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition) - Chapter 87 - ngilerjo - 日本国召喚 - みのろう | Nihonkoku Shoukan (1)

A yearly event that would determine whether there are any important or significant events that would affect the country by identify obstacles as early as possible in order to take countermeasures. Its stated accuracy is over 98%.

Since this is one of the few magical rituals that brushes with the realm of divinity, Emor’s Spatial Divination would’ve been a legitimate trump card that will bring Emor to greatness had me,Pestilence, the First Horseman of the Apocalypsenot tampered with the results so hard that its accuracy drops into only 25%. After all, having a native country capable of seeing the future and act accordingly to take countermeasures will defeat the premise of theCivilization Annihilation Game set in Ars Goetia: that of the designated pawns (summoned whatever it is, the Civilization Annihilation Game’sMain Character) trouncing the “weak and pathetic natives” with military might. Besides, the Audience generally don't like those jerks, which is why I decided to nerf them.

Ironically,Meteos Rogueriderof the human race, one of the five species created by the Ravernal Empire in Ars Goetia that the Dragonoids so despised, ended up possessing the ability to see the future to take their place. Lucky SOB, isn’t he?

Just A Reincarnation Story (Summoning Japan Edition) - Chapter 87 - ngilerjo - 日本国召喚 - みのろう | Nihonkoku Shoukan (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.