The main repertoire of songs for anniversaries, weddings and other holidays, which I sing by heart to my guitar accompaniment or backing tracks. The musical repertoire of a cover group. List of songs. Types of repertoire for a wedding, corporate party, (2024)


This page contains a list of songs that people like most at holidays, events, celebrations - anniversaries, weddings, wedding anniversaries, corporate parties, birthdays. Precisely, basically on this principle, I teach them. If you are often asked to perform a song, but I don’t know it, I’ll teach it right away.

Popular, VIA, funny, dance, romances, gypsy and others.

Not specified, which I perform into a microphone using electronic text (not by heart). There are ten times more of them than in the list below.

You can listen to the songs in my performance by going to the pages Yuri Kuznetsov sings.

I have a very good memory by nature. I will be happy to learn and sing at your holiday any song that you or your guests like.


Fireplace sparks

Your eyes are green

Under the caress of a plush blanket

Don't go, stay with me

Burn, burn, my star

Pair of bay

Fragrant bunches of white acacia

There are meetings only once in life

Enchanted, bewitched

Moscow golden-headed

Furry bumblebee

Black eyes

Two guitars behind the wall

At dawn, don't wake her up

Chrysanthemums have faded long ago in the garden

I thought you were happy

I will never forget you

Misty morning

Move away, don't look

The Long Road

I met you

Coachman, drive to Yar

At last I will tell you

Gray hair (And you and I have not aged at all ...)

Bells (Bells are heard ringing from afar ...)

There was a carriage outside the church

The reeds rustled, the trees bent

Don't go away, my dear

My bonfire shines in the fog (Old gypsy romance)

Vain words (Malinin)

Good night gentlemen (Leps)

Romance of the General of Blackness (Again alone in bed half asleep) Alexander Rosenbaum

Capricious, stubborn (Old Russian romance)
Do not persist (And for what and for what I fell in love with you)

Fireplace sparks


List of songs for anniversary, birthday.

I spend a variety of anniversaries 60, 50, 65, 70, 55, 80, 45, 30 years and others. For men and women. In order to make it easier for me to understand what to sing at your celebration, please send me by mail a list of those musical compositions that you and your loved ones like the most. And they will certainly sound at your holiday in my performance.

At the celebration, I ask the guests "what do you want to listen to?", "What will we sing together?" But any impromptu is good when it is prepared in advance.

You can record any song or even a whole disc for the hero of the day at the studio. At the beginning of this album, say what you wish for the hero of the occasion and think about him. Such a gift will be very valuable and unforgettable.

Jubilee ditties.
I sing and the great singer Zarina.

Dedicated to his beloved woman.
This woman.

List of songs dedicated to the anniversary, birthday:

Happy birthday (Everything today is just for you.) Irina Allegrova.
Happy birthday. (My friend, all your friends congratulate you.) Nadezhda Kadysheva.
Wish. (I want the songs to sound, so that the glass is filled with wine.) Vakhtang Kikabidze.
My years are my wealth. Vakhtang Kikabidze.
Wish. (So ​​that they live up to a hundred years, so that they do not know grief.) Elena Vaenga.
Song of the crocodile Gena. (Let run clumsily.)
And the years fly by (Our years fly like birds.)
There is only a moment. (It is he who is called life.) Oleg Anofriev.
Evening drinking. (For the strength that the waves carry in full.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
Duck hunting. (My father and mother taught me.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
Shores. (Between them is the river of my life.) Alexander Malinin.
Today I'm 50. (And this is not evening.)
How young we were. (How sincerely they loved, how they believed in themselves.) Alexander Gradsky.
How amazing. (That we all gathered here today.) Oleg Mityaev.
A lonely peasant over 50. (Life goes on quietly, but gnaws lightly, but does not bite.) Dmitry Vasilevsky.

Dedicated to a woman.

For you, my woman. (I raise my glass. Today is your birthday.) Mikhail Sheleg.
Birthday girl. (We are going to celebrate your birthday.) White day.
Ay. (I would like to give you a song. Everything in comparison with you is insignificant.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
I can’t have you on your birthday. (Give expensive gifts.)
Enchanted by the bewitched. (You are my precious woman.) Mikhail Zvezdinsky.
You are my only one. (There is no other one like that.) Yuri Vizbor.
The Volga river flows. (Among the ripe loaves, among the white snows.) Lyudmila Zykina.
I wish you. (Out of 1000 stars, one is the brightest.) Igor Surukhanov.


On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia

From behind the island to the rod

My dear

Oh, frost, frost

A young Cossack walks along the Don

Oh yes you pour

I'll go outside

Went to the fair uhar-merchant

Lady, Tsyganochka, Yeletskaya (ditties)

Once I swam by the sea

Am I to blame

In the moonlight (Ding-ding-ding ...)


The bell rings monotonously

Oh, with a meadow, with a meadow

How a soldier served

As if the Volga is a mother

When I served as a coachman at the post office

My joy lives

Steppe and steppe all around

It was a long time ago, seventeen years ago

Who needs it (In the middle of the grandma, in the middle of Lyubka, in the middle you are mine, gray dove)

Charming eyes

We walk through the village (we give out gifts. To whom the son, to whom the daughter)
My darling

Nadezhda Kadysheva. "Gold ring".
A stream flows. (A stream runs.)
I'm drunk.
Plucked a rose. (I met a rose it was blooming.)
There was a carriage at the church.
Collective farmer. (There is a collective farm on the mountain, a state farm under the mountain.)
There are so many golden lights. (On the streets of Saratov.)
The bird cherry sways under the window. (Showering his petals.)
Someone has come down from the hill. (Probably my dear is coming.)
Old maple. (Knocks on the glass.)
As my mother wanted me. (Yes, pay for the first.)
The river is wide. (Cursed love.)
Charming eyes. (You have enchanted me.)
The month was colored crimson. (Let's go beauty ride.)
The mail troika is racing. (Along the Volga to mother in winter.)
Evening call, evening Bell. (He leads so much thought.)
Thin rowan. (What are you standing rocking.)
There is no better color. (When the apple tree blooms.)
Khasbulat is daring. (Poor saklya is yours.)
It's not the wind that tends the branch. (Dubravushka is not making noise.)
Felt boots. (The old ones are not hemmed)
Fire. (The girl accompanied the fighter to the position.)
Along the Murom path. (There were three pines.)
Lilies of the valley. (You brought me today.)
Oh snow snowball. (White blizzard.)
On a clean field. (Why are you hot, why are you handsome.)
It's raining outside. (Waters from a bucket.)
Katyusha. (Apple and pear trees were blooming.)
Ah Samara is a small town. (Restless me.)

In the moonlight

Ukhar merchant


Above the window a month

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry

Dissuaded the golden grove

Maple you are my fallen

Letter to mother (You are still alive, my old lady ...)

I have one fun left

Weaved on the lake

I'm a Moscow naughty reveler

I have never been to the Bosphorus

Moscow (Mongol Shuudan)

Mother's letter


I will pray for holy Russia (Hierodeacon Theophilus)

I will go out into the field at night with a horse.
Corner of Russia, paternal home. (Pesnyary) Music In Shainsky.

Russian Field (Jan Frenkel) From the movie "New Adventures of the Elusive."

I drank birch sap in the spring forest. (Mikhail Nozhkin) .From the film "Resident's Error"

Call me softly by name (Lube).

A song about a distant homeland (I ask for a little while). From the film Seventeen Moments of Spring.

Where does the Motherland begin. (Mark Bernes) Matusovsky's words.

Birch sap (Only under the snowfield to bloom on time). Songs.

I love you Russia! My dear Rus! (Mikhail Nozhkin. David Tukhmanov.)

March - "Farewell of a Slav" Written in 1912.

Song of the Motherland. (The sun is shining in the clear sky.)

Why are birches making noise in Russia? (Nikolay Rastorguev and Sergey Bezrukov.) From the series "Plot"

I will go out into the field with my horse at night.

Migratory birds are flying (I don’t need the Turkish coast and I don’t need Africa.)

Oh, you are a wide steppe.

Chistye Prudy (Igor Talkov).

Our toast. (Let's drink to the Motherland, drink to Stalin, drink and pour again.) Song of the war years.

Crane. (Though the earth is warmer there, but the homeland is dearer.) Mark Bernes.

Russian anthem.


Moscow golden-headed

Moscow windows

Moscow Nights

My dear capital, my golden Moscow

Alexandra (film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears")

Moscow. The bells are ringing

I walk around Moscow
Moscow (I love this city of elm). Sergey Yesenin.
The best city on Earth (These words about you are Moscow). Muslim Magomayev.
The song of the old cabman (Only a spring morning will burst over Moscow). Leonid Utyosov.
Ah Arbat my Arbat (Bulat Okudzhava)


Parental home. (Lev Leshchenko) "The parental home began to begin."

Let us pray for our parents. (Soso Pavliashvili).

Letter to mother (You are still alive, my old lady). But the words of Sergei Yesenin.

Talk to me mom.

Sweet mom. (Mom, dear mom, how I love you).

My dear old people. Igor Sarukhanov.

House with windows to the garden. Brothers Radchenko.


Song about a friend. (When you fell off the rocks, he groaned, but held on.) Vladimir Vysotsky.

Friendship. (That our tenderness and our friendship are stronger than passion, more than love.)

Song of friends. (There is nothing better in the world than wandering friends around the world.) The Bremen Town Musicians.

Song about a friend. (A friend is always ready to give up a place in the boat and a circle.)

If you went out with a friend. (What is snow for me, what is heat for me when my friends are with me.)

For friends. (I raise my glass) Vladimir Chernyakov.


Enchanted, bewitched

You are my only one (Yu Vizbor)
My love is alive like the scarlet color of mountain ash. Sergey Drozdov.

For me, you are not more beautiful

What a woman

These eyes are opposite. Obodzinsky.

To please. (I want to please you today). Anatoly Dneprov.

Dawn scarlet. (Lips are scarlet. You are my long-awaited love). Brothers Radchenko.

Eastern song. (Is it raining warm). Valery Obodzinsky.

Singarella. (The anvil groans loudly, since the girl is in my hands).

Lyric (Here the paws of the fir trees ...) V. Vysotsky

White swan on the pond

For lovely ladies

I thought you were happy

I raise my glass

Baby, can you hear me

My clear star ("Flowers")

Outside the window bullfinches (Trofim)

My wealth (Yu. Antonov)

Esmeralda ("Notre Dame de Paris")

Bouquet (A. Barykin)

Mole (I met a girl, a crescent eyebrow ...)

Darling, sleep

I wish you from a thousand stars (I. Sarukhanov)

Mirror (Yu. Antonov)

Because you can't be beautiful like that ("White Eagle")

My only one (F. Kirkorov)

I love you to tears. (I'll make our bed with white rose petals). Alexander Serov.

I miss you (Trofim)

Without you (S. Mikhailov)
Everything for you (S. Mikhailov)
Queen of inspiration (S. Mikhailov)
Three wishes
Near the bridge
Lastly, I will say
I would only know that somewhere you live (O. Mityaev)
I want to marry you
You dreamed in the spring ("Pesnyary")
Draw yak michyachna
I asked ash
Wait, I'll turn on the light for a minute
Furry bumblebee
The first love
This woman
City of Sochi (Trofim)
For you, my woman
Ay (Rosenbaum)
Doves kiss on the roof
Don't go stay with me
I met you
Get high
Smoke from menthol cigarettes
My joy lives
White birch
Let's go for a beautiful ride
There by the cherry orchard
Black eyes
Black eyebrows, brown eyes
Turquoise, gold rings
Ukhar merchant
Weaved on the lake the scarlet light of dawn
My dear forest sun
Kalina (Rada Rai)
Marjanja (M. Shufutinsky)
Two extinguished candles
When I met you the bird cherry blossomed
That evening I did not drink, did not sing (Vysotsky)
Trouble (Pugacheva)
Two roses
Wasted words
Do not put salt on my wound
I'll take you to the tundra
Where the maple makes noise
White motor ship
On that highway
Purple Haze
Lanfren lanfra
Your eyes are green
Under the caress of a plush blanket
Once I swam by the sea
Let's drink to love
Thank you for your son and daughter
You will wake me up at dawn
Fireplace sparks
Once a year, the gardens bloom
The dress
Swan loyalty
Indian summer is noisy
Knives not sharpened
Get high
I'm ready to kiss the sand
Only time
Misty morning
Move away don't look
My dear
I'm drunk
Go outside
Am I to blame
The boat was sailing on the sea
Black eyes
Who made you like this
The snow is spinning
Free duck
Cornflowers in the field
Seagulls astern
Bonfires are burning distant
White mists are floating
A couple lived in the same city
I have to live with you all my life at least once (Vizbor)
Thanks for the day, thanks for the night (M. Boyarsky)
Lonely branch of lilac
Beloved woman

Sweetheart (Nepara)

For love (Lyubavin)

My love

Gone are the sunny days

You tell me cherry

Good morning beloved (Mityaev)

You and I are two banks by the same river (Rada Rai)
My beloved woman (Timur Temirov)
Sweet dream - on the white blanket of January. (Here it is, the long-awaited summer to spite fate).
You are my tenderness. Nargiz Zakirova. (You are my heart, you are my miracle).

Doves kiss on the roof


Wedding. (Give love to each other.) White Eagle.
Wedding. (This wedding sang and danced). Magomayev.

Wedding ring

We wish you happiness

Listen mother-in-law, dear friend, help ...

Be healthy, live richly

Why do brides cry

I want to marry you

The first love

Wedding (V. Korolev)

Invite your father to the white dance (I. Demarin)

Daughter (Kobzon)
I love you to tears. Alexander Serov.
Silver weddings. (And 25 silver aprils surround you like sons). Valentina Tolkunova.
Golden wedding. (Grandma is next to grandfather).

I want to marry you


Officers (O. Gazmanov)

From the heroes of the bygone days (film "Officers")

Dark night

Eh, roads

Rota goes to heaven

In the dugout

Let's wave without looking (film "Shield and Sword")

Where does the Motherland begin

The last fight, it is the most difficult (film "Liberation")

Dark girl

Three tankmen

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast

Tanks rumbled across the field

Gunners, Stalin gave the order

Come on for ... ("Lube")

There in the distance beyond the river

How a soldier served

Do not think down on seconds (film "17 Moments of Spring")

I ask for a little while (film "17 Moments of Spring")

Combat ("Lube")

Victory Day

Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion (film "Belorussky Station")

Farewell to the Slav

Cranes (It sometimes seems to me that the soldiers ...)

Sineva (Paratroopers' Song)

Alyosha (Does the powder turn white in the field ...)

I'll get up before dawn today

The girl accompanied the fighter to the position

The division marched forward along the valleys and hills

No need to be sad, gentlemen officers

Cuckoo (Blue Berets)

Gentlemen officers blue princes

A couple lived in the same city

Battalion Intelligence (Blue Berets)
Officer wives
He did not return from the fight. V. Vysotsky.
Hobble slowly. (On an early sunny morning she saw off). Adrenalin.
A couple lived in the same city. (Oh, you women are unfaithful to their husbands, the husband is at the front, and you are here for a walk). Songs of the war years.

Farewell to the Slav


It's time to hit the road. (On a rainy evening) From the movie Heavenly Slow-Walker.
Because we are pilots. (We are friends of migratory birds. Well, the girls later.)
The main thing, guys, is not to grow old at heart. (Under the wing of the plane.) Soviet song.
The plane is my pectoral cross. (The sky is blue.) And Dolsky.
Phantom. (My phantom is gaining altitude with a roar with a white arrow on its spread wing.)


There behind the fogs. (Blue sea, only sea astern.)
Goodbye beloved city. (We leave tomorrow at sea.)
Goodbye rocky mountains. (And the waves moan and cry.) War years.
Coveted stone. (Cold waves rise in an avalanche,) Sevastopol. Black Sea Fleet.
Tired submarine. (The boat is compressed by wild pressure.
The sea spreads wide. (And the waves are raging in the distance.)
Varangian. (Our proud Varangian does not surrender to the enemy.)
Sea. (The sea is a bottomless world.) Yu Antonov.
Blue eternity. (O sea sea, take me far away.) Muslim Magomayev.
By the sea. By the blue sea. (Vacation of love.)


In a black tulip (A. Rosenbaum)

Orders are not for sale


Love, brothers, love

Are you waiting, Lizaveta

Black Raven

Oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening

A young Cossack walks along the Don

Only a Cossack bullet (A. Rosenbaum)

And on the window platbands (A. Rosenbaum)

Horses roamed on the Don, on the Don (A. Rosenbaum)

Old Man Ataman (Chizh)

Courageous centurion

Oh, with a meadow, with a meadow

Unharness, lads, horses

Oh you Galya, Galya young

Not for me
Oysya, oysya, do not be afraid of me.

Love, brothers, love


You pidmanula me

The power of the bird

Noyako michyachna

Ridny my mother

Chervona Ruta

Nese Galya water

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

There by the spring, by the garden

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

By the cherry orchard


Belarus. (My youth is Belarus).

I dreamed about you in the spring

Bialowieza Forest

You make noise, make noise over me byarozi
Father's house. (A corner of Russia is the father's house).
Our beloved ones. (Do not offend your loved ones with reproaches).
Birch juice. (As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time).
Blackbirds. (You've heard the blackbirds sing).
I cannot do otherwise.
Half an hour before spring.
Listen to mother-in-law.


And I will lie down.
Olesya. (Lives in the Belarusian woodland).


Hava Nagila

Tum balalaika

Jewish tailor. (Quiet as in paradise)
Buy cigarettes. (Approach the infantry and sailors)
Verses about Jews. (There are only Jews around)



Sirun, Sirun


Furry bumblebee

Black eyes

Two guitars behind the wall

Guess me, gypsy

Nane tsoha (from the movie "Tabor goes to the sky)


Kayo berge

Shatritsa (Ay, yes, yes, yes, yes)

Turquoise gold rings

I love the gypsy Jan

Song of Yashka the Gypsy (film "The Elusive Avengers")

Not evening

Baby, can you hear me

Oh, the young boy went on a spree

Coachman, drive to Yar


Sokolovsky choir near Yar

Oh yes

Velichnaya (He came to us, came to us)

Gray hair (And not much you and I have not grown old ...)


My bonfire shines in the fog

I will tell you how I lived with gypsies


Gypsy love

Blue poppies


I will bring you flowers

Dai liu dai la (Gypsy ditties)

Nane tsoha

Marjanja (gypsy)


The scows are full of mullets. (Kostya brought him to Odessa.)
It smells like the sea. (And the moon hangs over the spar itself.) Mikhail Shufutinsky.
Ah, Odessa. (Pearl by the sea.)
By the black sea. (There is a city that I see in a dream.) Leonid Utyosov.


Besame mucho

Ma guitar (film "Desperate") Banderas


About salt myo


M. Shufutinsky

Left bank of the Don


Knives not sharpened

Jewish tailor

Zoya wrote me a letter

Two extinguished candles


My Soul Hurts

Tanya youngster

A bottle of wine

There lived one violinist (Cry, my violin, cry ...)

Candles (Burning, candles cry ...)


I will tell you how I lived with gypsies

Marinochka, Marina

For lovely ladies


And for the last, but for the five

Palma de Mallorca

Yu. Antonov

Mirror (I look at you like in a mirror)

Ah, the white ship

My wealth (Again a month ascended the throne)

For me, you are not more beautiful

Dreams come true

Flying gait

20 years later


The roof of your house (We are all in a hurry for miracles)

Near birches and pines. (Autumn wanders quietly. Is it really all gone).
From what (I was just recently loved and sweet)

Alexander Rosenbaum

Evening drinking (Let's raise this bowl)
Duck Hunt (Walk like this, shoot like that shoot.)
Capercaillie (On the current)
Come to our light.
Prophetic fate (Field, field.)
Esaul is young. (I dozed off under the alder.)
Sleep in hand. (A gray horse with apples.)
Cossack (Under the evening dawn.)
Waltz Boston.
Violinist Monya. (Hello guests.)
Cab. (It's such a good day.)
On the Don on the Don. (The horses walked.)

Song of a Jewish tailor. (Quiet as in paradise.)
Black Tulip. (In Afghanistan, in a black tulip.)
Ay. (I would like to give you a song).
GOP stop. (We came around the corner.)
Ninka. (Like a picture.)
Bunny. (Zoya wrote me a letter.)
Classmates. (My classmates, schoolchildren.)
In Odessa, on the Maidan. (The noise is a commotion.)
Pintail. (The duck is free.)
From bell to bell. (I served my term.)
My Odessa. (Smells like the sea.)
Conversation at the hotel. (Wait, I'll turn on the light in the room for a minute).

Oleg Mityaev

Summer is a small life. (Look at what a beautiful house you live in.)
Good morning darling.
(You are my dear.)
Frenchwoman. (She is as much a Muscovite as she was.)
Neighbor. (The knives are not sharpened.)

Vladimir Vysotsky

Vertex. (This is not a plain for you.)
Song about a friend. (If a friend turned up suddenly.)
Hunting for Wolves. (I struggle with all the sinews.)
Lyric. (Agree at least for paradise in a hut.)
The horses are finicky. (The horses are a little slower.)
Road history. (I came out tall and face.)
Bathhouse. (Fire me the hostess's bathhouse.)
Police protocol. (Think our way, we drank a little.)
He did not return from the fight. (Why is everything wrong?)
Dialogue at the TV. (Oh Wan look what clowns.)
The one who used to be with her. (I didn't drink or sing that evening.)
The song is a fairy tale among evil spirits. (In the reserved and dense Russian Murom forests.)
Indian summer. (Maples painted the city.)
At the cemetery. (And everything is calm in the cemetery.)
The house is crystal. (If I am as rich as the king of the sea.)
I was carrying my trouble. (Spring-like on ice.)
My love turned gray. (In Kolyma, where the tundra and taiga are all around.)
Oh where was I yesterday. (I just remember that the walls are with wallpaper.)
Royal shooter - about a wild boar. (In a kingdom where everything is quiet and smooth.)

When we met with you. (The bird cherry blossomed.)
My gypsy. In my dream, yellow lights. (Eh, one more time.)
Paradise apples. (I will die someday.)
The bride will cry for me honestly. (Others will sing all the songs for me.)
Group soldiers center. (Across the scorched plain.)
I do not like. (I do not like any time of the year when funny songs are not sung.)
I once stood on the watch. (I hold onto my pocket.)


Yuri Vizbor

You are my only one. (There is no other one.)
My sweetheart. (Forest sun.)
Bending the guitar. (It's great that we are all gathered here today.)
Seryoga Sanin. (Either take off, then land.)
They keep telling me. (I have to live my whole life with you at least once.)
Dombai waltz. (The skis are at the stove.)
If I get sick. (Lay down the steppe for me.)
Alexandra. (Moscow was not built in a day.)

Bulat Okudzhava

Georgian song (I will bury a grape seed in the warm earth.)
Your Honor, Lady Luck. (Nine grams in the heart.)
Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion. (We will not stand for the price.)
Cavalier guards. (The century is short.)
Take your greatcoat, let's go home. (And you and I are a brother from the infantry.)
Prayer. (Lord, give everyone what they don't have.)

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim)

Bullfinches. (Outside the window, bullfinches.)
Sochi city. (Shish kebab for brandy.)
I miss you. (Like an apostle through holy torments.)
Doves. (My barefoot childhood.)

Stas Mikhailov
Everything for you. (There is only you in my destiny.)
Without you. (Forgive me dear.)
Queen of inspiration. (All my poems are about you.)
White birch. (I love you.)
Heaven. (Give strength to the tramp.)

Muslim Magomaev
Heart in the snow. (Roads far boom.)
Wedding. (She sang and danced.)
The best city in the world. (These words about you Moscow.)
Queen of beauty. (You are happiness in life, my love.)
Nocturne. (Thank you.)

Alexander Malinin

Lieutenant Golitsyn. (Don't be discouraged.)
Shores. (Between them is the river of my life.)
Fun. (I have one fun left.)
Romance of General Black. (Alone in bed, half asleep again.)
Gulba. (There is gold on the icons.)
Waste words. (Splash witchcraft.)
In the Cape Town Port. (The crew was released ashore.)
Plea. (Where can I get the strength to stop loving.)

Yu Loza

Igor Talkov

Clean ponds. (Each of us has places in the world.)
Former podsaul. (He left to fight.)
Summer rain. (Started early today.)

Viacheslav Dobrynin

Do not put salt on my wound. (Don't say sobbingly.)
Who told you. (No, I can never stop loving you.)
Goodbye to all train stations. (They go to distant lands.)
You will see. (How unlucky I am)
Everything that I have in life. (The world is not simple.)
I don't dream of you. (I'm too.)

Vakhtang Kikabidze

My years are my wealth. (Let my head be gray.)
Wish. (I want the songs to sound.)
Bottoms Up. (If the toastmaster asks you.)
I wander drunk. (But the wine is not to blame.)
Seeing off love. (Half an hour before the flight.)

Grigory Leps

Natalie. (I can't get away from you and fate.)
A glass of vodka on the table.
Good night gentlemen. (And there will be angels flying over your house.)
The best day. (It's great to live after all.)

Alla Pugacheva

Million Scarlet roses. (Those who are in love with seriousness will turn your life into flowers.)
This world was not invented by us.
Not renounce loving. (You can give everything for this.)
Bolshak. (Well, how can one live without love.)
The trouble. (Looking for me in the world.)
Bye, summer. (Birds gather in flocks again.)
I want the summer not to end. (The whole earth is warm.)


I'll buy you a house (White swan on the pond.)
Bird Market. (Birds in a cage, and crows in the wild.)
10 commandments. (I rose from boredom.)

Ivan Kuchin

In the tavern (Let's drink to our friends for our faithful.)
A man in a quilted jacket. (And on the white snow he was leaving the chase.)

M. Gulko

Enemies burned their home


I haven't seen my mom for so long

Blue skies of russia

One Victory (Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion)

Odessa Mishka

Why are you married

If i get sick

Behind the fog

Gentlemen officers


"Gems", "Funny Guys", "Blue Guitars"

For me, you are not more beautiful

This never happens again

I'll take you to the tundra

I will not approach you

Clear bright eyes

When we are silent together

Aleshkina love

Time Machine. (Andrey Makarevich.)

Turn. (We gave ourselves our word.)
Blue bird. (We walked into such steps.)
Puppets. (Faces are erased with paint dull.)
Bonfire. (It will take off everything.)
While the candle is burning (There are days when you throw up your hands.)
Three windows. (I forgot about storms and thunderstorms.)



My clear star

We wish you happiness

"Blue bird"

Where the maple makes noise
My love is alive like the scarlet color of mountain ash (Sergey Drozdov)


There, beyond the mists

Call me softly by name

Why do birches make noise in Russia?

I will go out into the field at night with a horse

All over again

On the tall grass

Sunday. (Konstantin Nikolsky.)

Musician. (The violinist. He hung up his frock coat. The musician over the back of the chair.)
Night bird. (What one sings about in the autumn silence.)
A forgotten song is carried by the breeze. (God, how long has it been.)
When you understand with your mind. (That you are the only one in the world.)

Mikhail Krug
Come to my house. (My doors are open.)
Vladimir Central. (North wind.)
Kate. (Matchmakers came to my father.)
Kolshchik. (Poke the domes on me.)
Silence. (Oh, how you want unfamiliar hands and damn pleasant and moist lips, feminine tenderness.)
Pai girl. (How warm it was. What brought you and me together?)


Moscow Nights

Russian field

How many good girls

Friendship (When with a simple and gentle gaze ...)

By the very blue sea

There is only a moment

Hope (An unfamiliar star is shining ...)

That the heart is so troubled

And the years fly by

I love you life

There is nothing better in the world

Song of the old cab (L. Utyosov)

Black cat

Wonderful neighbor

We wish you happiness

Under the wing of an airplane

Purple Haze

Here under a strange sky

Crimson ringing

There in the distance beyond the river

Queen of beauty

Candles (On an autumn night outside the window ...)

White snow

Lonely accordion

Ryabinushka (Evening with a quiet song ...)

Someone came down from the hill

Bloomed under the window ...

There are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov ...

Daisies hid

My village

From far away the Volga river flows for a long time

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked

For you, my woman

I met a girl with a crescent eyebrow


Bouquet (A. Barykin)

green-eyed taxi

Sailor (And when the sea is rolling ...)

The dark mounds are sleeping

I raise my glass

I'll take you to the Tundra

From Vagante (On the French side ...)

Dawn scarlet

You can't hide from people in the village

Trouble has green eyes

Parental home

People meet, people fall in love

How delightful evening in Russia

Sharmanka (N. Baskov)

The city that does not exist (I. Kornelyuk)

Moscow, the bells are ringing

Mirror (Yu. Antonov)

Call me softly by name ("LYUBE")

Coward does not play hockey

Song about Shchors

Talk to me mom


The river runs in the fog and melts

Have you heard the blackbirds sing

If you go out with a friend

All will pass

By the forest at the edge

Blue frost

You will wake me up at dawn

Thank you for your son, thank you for your daughter

Ural mountain ash

God save the king

Once a year, the gardens bloom

Teddy bear, teddy bear, where is your smile

Village (I consider myself urban now ...) (S. Belikov)

It just so happens if you fall in love ...

Dress (Nothing to wear, whatever you say ...)

Galina lives in this house

Swan loyalty


Indian summer

The bird cherry sways under the window

Lost the bears

Former podsaul (Talkov)

New Year's (Serduchka)

There is no better color

Good mood

Dawn Till Dawn (Dan Spataru)

Tell me cherry (Kirkorov)

Good mood

Siberian frosts (Kuzmin)

Wanderer (V. Presnyakov)

The bird cherry blossomed

Buttercups flowers

Blue poppies

I remember the stars are blue

Wandering artists

Gold fish

The bears got lost. Yard songs with a guitar.

Nichyako michyachna "Only old men go to battle"

Tanks rumbled across the field "In war as in war"

From the heroes of the bygone days "Officers"

Cavalier guards, a century is not long "The star of captivating happiness"

Your Honor "White Sun of the Desert"

Cursed thoughts "Five evenings"

Horses are walking over the river "Bumbarash"

Scows full of mullet "Two fighters"

Dark night "Two fighters"

Friendship "Summer evening in Gagra"

Three tankmen "Tractor drivers"

Migratory birds are flying "Cold summer of 53"

Song about a friend "Vertical"

Here you are not flat "Vertical"

The dark mounds are sleeping "Big Life"

Time to go, on the road "Heavenly slug"

From people in the village ... "It was in Penkovo"

Do not think down on seconds of "17 Moments of Spring"

I ask for a short while "17 Moments of Spring"

Trouble has green eyes "Dangerous friends"

Lanfren-lanfra "Midshipmen, forward"

The city that does not exist "Gangster Petersburg"

Shaggy bumblebee "Cruel Romance"

And finally, I'll say ... "Cruel Romance"

Not evening "Dowry"

Honey, you hear me "Dowry"

Wait, the "Operation Y" steam locomotive

Oh, at the meadow, at the "Wedding in Malinovka" meadow

Are you waiting, Lizaveta ... "Alexander Parkhomenko"

Love, brothers, love "Alexander Parkhomenko"

I'm in the spring forest ... "Resident error"

From dawn to dawn "Song of the Sea"

About hares "The Diamond Arm"

Birch juice "Real guy"

Our service is both dangerous and difficult "Experts lead the investigation"

Again the month ascended to the throne "Take care of women"

Ma guitar (Banderas) "Desperate"

March of the gunners "6 pm after the war"

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale ... "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession"

The Island of Bad Luck "Diamond Arm"

Kurochkin's couplets "Wedding with a dowry"

Song about a friend (If there is one joy for everyone) "The way to the pier"

Why didn't you meet me "Different destinies"


Murka (You are my moray eel.)
The cherries ripened. (In Uncle Vanya's garden.)
Taganka. (Why did you ruin me.)
Wait, steam locomotive. (Conductor, press the brakes.)
Vanino port. (I remember that Vanino port.)
Take me, cab. (Pour a drink for her, dear, to remove the whim.) Alexander Novikov.
In Kolyma. (Where tundra and taiga are all around.)
Ushanochka. (And I'll pull the earflaps deeper.) Gennady Zharov.
Pigeons are flying over our area. (How I would like to fly away with pigeons to my native land.)
The share of the thieves. (This is the share of the thieves.)
My grandmother smokes a pipe. Garik Sukachev.
On the tundra, by rail. (Where the Vorkuta - Leningrad train rushes.)
Testimony of an innocent person. (I leaned back, what a bazaar is a station.)
The night is not moving. (The lanterns wobble and the owl struck with a wing.)
Suitcase. (Come on, put your suitcase away.)
Trilogy about an old woman's grandmother. (Grandma is healthy and dreams of surviving the raid.) Arkady Severny and Grisha Berbe.
Railway station. (I'll go to the station today.) Garik Krichevsky.

Anniversary of a woman - songs about female beauty, about love, songs for women.

Anniversary of the man. Songs for men, about friendship, favorite works.

Anniversary of the company, corporate holiday, anniversary of the company - songs about the profession, professional songs.

City holiday - the day of the city, songs about Moscow, cities.

Special repertoire for Victory Day, May 9, Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23, International holiday March 8, Valentine's Day, Shrovetide, Christian holidays, Russian Independence Day, Christmas.

Retro parties. Hits of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s Popular songs of Soviet performers and VIA, Disco 80s.

Evenings over 30, over 40 - dance hits.

Concert performances in restaurants, clubs, boarding houses, rest houses.

You can continue listening to the songs on the pages of Yuri Kuznetsov sings.

Preparation for the performance, in addition to the actual constant and regular training of the vocal apparatus, consists in the competent selection of the repertoire corresponding to the vocal level of the singer. At the initial stage, as a rule, an uncomplicated repertoire is chosen - folk songs, mid-register romances, which do not require a lot of tension, so that the singer could think not about HOW to sing, but about WHAT to sing, that is, he thought in images of the work, but I was not distracted by the technical side of the issue. The singer grows as a performer and as a vocalist, first of all, on a properly selected repertoire.

The piece chosen for the student must always correspond to the level of his musical development, vocal and performing training. Artistic pedagogical material requires special attention to the gradualness and consistency of increasing the difficulties of works. This applies equally to both musical and vocal and performing difficulties. Especially destructive for the student's voice is the vocal and technical repertoire that is overwhelming. Improperly selected works can delay the vocal growth of a student and even cause direct harm.

The use of a voice-friendly repertoire contributes to the coordination of the work of sound-generating elements, including those not subject to consciousness. Folk songs are especially useful at the first stage of learning. They have many advantages and are primarily voice-friendly.

The folk song is the basis for music and singing. Folklore was appreciated by the greatest musicians. Passing orally from generation to generation, folk melodies are, as it were, filtered by voices and concentrate elements of convenience for singing. They filter out that which contradicts the mass nature of voices and exceeds their average capabilities. Folk songs are varied in character, built, as a rule, on a small range, which is very convenient for novice performers. Their Tessitura is very moderate. The intelligibility of words, the couplet form of the structure, the ease of memorizing the musical texture allow the student to easily combine the vocal, technical and performing sides of the performance of the work. They are both simple and extremely expressive.

The style of performance of Russian songs requires simplicity, naturalness, sincerity, good text delivery. The verse form makes the beginning singer find his own nuance in each verse, which diversifies the performance.

The great Russian opera singer Maksakova Maria Petrovna found “her intonation, drawn out, sometimes perky, but always ennobled by feminine softness ... it is a subtle humor that is alien to any pressure. The singer painted each verse so intonationally, pronounced "Eh!" With such a unique expression that every time it sounded differently, depending on the shades of the narrative, but always with the attitude of the heroine to her lover. "

Lemeshev says about Russian song: “Russian song is full of lyrical depth and poetry. The people polished it for centuries, and therefore nothing casual, superficial or cheap remained in its melodic and poetic images. Pure, lofty human feelings crystallized in the beauty of her melodies, and she demands from the singer the same purity, scale and sincerity of performance. "

Romances by such authors of the pre-Linka period, such as Bulakhov, Varlamov, etc., and later ones, including the Soviet period, on the verses of famous poets in the performing sense require a very attentive attitude to the verbal text, a well-developed sense of style. They are simple, melodious, most of them have a verse form, which makes them similar to Russian folk songs, but at the same time they have a more developed musical side. They are written in a comfortable tessiture, do not capture a wide range of sounds, are easily accessible in terms of their musical language and according to the requirements they place on the vocals of novice singers. They are simple, they must be performed sincerely, without going beyond the framework of naturalness and immediacy.

According to Sergei Lemeshev, “Beautiful singing presupposes a natural, sincere expression of feelings. The singer should feel as if his whole being is singing. But do not force the sound, do not try to show it more than nature has allowed you to do. "

Lemeshev wrote that in his work on the image of this or that work, and Stanislavsky worked a lot with the singers of his opera studio on romances “Stanislavsky proceeded from the principle of internal justification of a particular mise-en-scene, and not a visual effect. He understood that the correct state of health of the singer, his correct psychological setting, will always lead him on the right path to the stage image, help him expressively sing important and vocally difficult parts of the part. " ... Thus, we come to the conclusion that when choosing a repertoire for a beginner singer, it is necessary to take into account his temperament and individuality, not only of the vocal apparatus and the degree of its development, but also the psychological aspects of his character. For example, a slow person, phlegmatic by nature, will find it difficult at the beginning of his studies to correctly perform a perky, buffoonish song that requires dashing prowess in his performance. For such a student to perform at a concert, it is better to choose a piece that is calm, lyrical, measured in form and content.

When choosing compositions for a concert, it is better to think over their sequence in the concert program in advance. First, a piece that is easier in vocal terms is put on, for practicing, and then, more difficult in terms of vocal and performance.

Preparing the selected piece of music

"It is recommended to conduct classes on a piece of music in two ways: on the one hand, working on the artistic performance of the piece, and on the other, working on it purely technically, that is, as if redesigning this piece into vocalization."

Based on the topic of our research, we would like to focus on the musical and artistic side of the preparation of works and omit the purely technical side of voice production. We want to focus on working on the artistic and performing means of expressing the work. These funds include:

Clear diction and correct articulation, and as a result - delivering a legible vocal word to the viewer;

The intonation and phrasing of the piece.

Work on diction

Our word, addressed to the audience, either in speech or in singing, should be clear in pronunciation, expressive and loud enough to be heard in the last row of the audience.

A good singing word, i.e. the ability to naturally pronounce the verbal text of a work, combining this with good vocalism of all vowels, is an indispensable condition for professional singing, and for most singers it is the result of a lot of work. A good message of the word, its correct emotional coloring, naturalness are essential for a professional singer.

In order for the text of a vocal phrase in a work to be natural, well heard by the public, each singer must know those patterns that determine the basic qualities of good vocal speech.

Vocal speech should be: legible, i.e. have good dictional clarity; natural, to the extent that the vocal allows it; expressive, i.e. contain the elements that make up the expressiveness of speech; vocal, i.e. built on equal vocal vowels.

Professional singing requires a clear message of the word. An extremely unpleasant impression is created when words are not clearly pronounced. No matter how talented and musical the performer is, no matter how wonderful in beauty his voice he may have, his singing will not make the proper impression if it is not dictatorially clear. If the listener strains his ear in order to understand the meaning of the words that the singer is singing about, then he no longer fully perceives the beauty of the voice and expression, but focuses on catching the word. The inability to understand the word annoys the listener, and the impression of the performer is sharply reduced. Unclear diction is a big drawback of the singer, a technical flaw in voice education, which can always be eliminated.

“Vocal diction, like the art of singing, contains two elements: creative and technical. A creative element is the artistic distribution of the semantic content (weight) of a word, depending on the artistic tasks assigned to it, on the idea and meaning of the work being performed. The technical element of diction is the ability to cleanly, fully sing vowels and pronounce consonants clearly. The flow of vowels must not be disturbed by wedging consonants. All vowels in singing should sound clean, clear, and their "vocal core" should not undergo noticeable changes when they change. "

Diction - i.e. the intelligibility of words depends, as in speech, on the clarity and intensity of the pronunciation of consonants. The speed and clarity of pronunciation of consonants must be carefully monitored from the very first lessons, when works with text are given, paying special attention to the consonants that are at the end of words. A very common mistake inexperienced singers make is eating consonants at the end of a word that encloses a phrase. If a consonant sound is at the end of a phrase, then along with the end of the sound, the singer weakens the articulation of the consonant, as a result of which it is pronounced sluggishly and does not reach the listener. It is necessary to immediately teach the singer to actively and clearly pronounce the consonants at the end of words.

Lemeshev on diction: “I'll start with the elementary - with diction. How often do singers, especially opera singers, suffer from fuzzy, weak diction. Often there are artists with expressive voices in the color of the sound that convey the mood well. But what they sing, remains known only to him and the prompter ... Sometimes one can justify himself by saying that the orchestra drowns out; but some manage to pronounce words so much that they cannot be understood, even when the orchestra is silent ... The fact is that by nature not all are equally endowed with the ability to pronounce words clearly and clearly. And we have to work on diction specially. "

K.S. Stanislavsky perceived the art of speech as an art no less complex than the art of singing. He often said: "A well-spoken word is already singing, and a well-sung phrase is already speech."

To achieve good results, it is necessary to work on improving the articulation apparatus, to develop its technical capabilities. The appendix contains several exercises to improve the quality of vocal diction according to the book by E.M. Pekerskoy "Vocal Primer".

This page contains a list of songs that people like most at holidays, events, celebrations - anniversaries, weddings, wedding anniversaries, corporate parties, birthdays. Precisely, basically on this principle, I teach them. If you are often asked to perform a song, but I don’t know it, I’ll teach it right away.

Popular, VIA, funny, dance, romances, gypsy and others.

Not specified, which I perform into a microphone using electronic text (not by heart). There are ten times more of them than in the list below.

You can listen to the songs in my performance by going to the pages Yuri Kuznetsov sings.

I have a very good memory by nature. I will be happy to learn and sing at your holiday any song that you or your guests like.


Fireplace sparks

Your eyes are green

Under the caress of a plush blanket

Don't go, stay with me

Burn, burn, my star

Pair of bay

Fragrant bunches of white acacia

There are meetings only once in life

Enchanted, bewitched

Moscow golden-headed

Furry bumblebee

Black eyes

Two guitars behind the wall

At dawn, don't wake her up

Chrysanthemums have faded long ago in the garden

I thought you were happy

I will never forget you

Misty morning

Move away, don't look

The Long Road

I met you

Coachman, drive to Yar

At last I will tell you

Gray hair (And you and I have not aged at all ...)

Bells (Bells are heard ringing from afar ...)

There was a carriage outside the church

The reeds rustled, the trees bent

Don't go away, my dear

My bonfire shines in the fog (Old gypsy romance)

Vain words (Malinin)

Good night gentlemen (Leps)

Romance of the General of Blackness (Again alone in bed half asleep) Alexander Rosenbaum

Capricious, stubborn (Old Russian romance)
Do not persist (And for what and for what I fell in love with you)

Fireplace sparks


List of songs for anniversary, birthday.

I spend a variety of anniversaries 60, 50, 65, 70, 55, 80, 45, 30 years and others. For men and women. In order to make it easier for me to understand what to sing at your celebration, please send me by mail a list of those musical compositions that you and your loved ones like the most. And they will certainly sound at your holiday in my performance.

At the celebration, I ask the guests "what do you want to listen to?", "What will we sing together?" But any impromptu is good when it is prepared in advance.

You can record any song or even a whole disc for the hero of the day at the studio. At the beginning of this album, say what you wish for the hero of the occasion and think about him. Such a gift will be very valuable and unforgettable.

Jubilee ditties.
I sing and the great singer Zarina.

Dedicated to his beloved woman.
This woman.

List of songs dedicated to the anniversary, birthday:

Happy birthday (Everything today is just for you.) Irina Allegrova.
Happy birthday. (My friend, all your friends congratulate you.) Nadezhda Kadysheva.
Wish. (I want the songs to sound, so that the glass is filled with wine.) Vakhtang Kikabidze.
My years are my wealth. Vakhtang Kikabidze.
Wish. (So ​​that they live up to a hundred years, so that they do not know grief.) Elena Vaenga.
Song of the crocodile Gena. (Let run clumsily.)
And the years fly by (Our years fly like birds.)
There is only a moment. (It is he who is called life.) Oleg Anofriev.
Evening drinking. (For the strength that the waves carry in full.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
Duck hunting. (My father and mother taught me.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
Shores. (Between them is the river of my life.) Alexander Malinin.
Today I'm 50. (And this is not evening.)
How young we were. (How sincerely they loved, how they believed in themselves.) Alexander Gradsky.
How amazing. (That we all gathered here today.) Oleg Mityaev.
A lonely peasant over 50. (Life goes on quietly, but gnaws lightly, but does not bite.) Dmitry Vasilevsky.

Dedicated to a woman.

For you, my woman. (I raise my glass. Today is your birthday.) Mikhail Sheleg.
Birthday girl. (We are going to celebrate your birthday.) White day.
Ay. (I would like to give you a song. Everything in comparison with you is insignificant.) Alexander Rosenbaum.
I can’t have you on your birthday. (Give expensive gifts.)
Enchanted by the bewitched. (You are my precious woman.) Mikhail Zvezdinsky.
You are my only one. (There is no other one like that.) Yuri Vizbor.
The Volga river flows. (Among the ripe loaves, among the white snows.) Lyudmila Zykina.
I wish you. (Out of 1000 stars, one is the brightest.) Igor Surukhanov.


On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia

From behind the island to the rod

My dear

Oh, frost, frost

A young Cossack walks along the Don

Oh yes you pour

I'll go outside

Went to the fair uhar-merchant

Lady, Tsyganochka, Yeletskaya (ditties)

Once I swam by the sea

Am I to blame

In the moonlight (Ding-ding-ding ...)


The bell rings monotonously

Oh, with a meadow, with a meadow

How a soldier served

As if the Volga is a mother

When I served as a coachman at the post office

My joy lives

Steppe and steppe all around

It was a long time ago, seventeen years ago

Who needs it (In the middle of the grandma, in the middle of Lyubka, in the middle you are mine, gray dove)

Charming eyes

We walk through the village (we give out gifts. To whom the son, to whom the daughter)
My darling

Nadezhda Kadysheva. "Gold ring".
A stream flows. (A stream runs.)
I'm drunk.
Plucked a rose. (I met a rose it was blooming.)
There was a carriage at the church.
Collective farmer. (There is a collective farm on the mountain, a state farm under the mountain.)
There are so many golden lights. (On the streets of Saratov.)
The bird cherry sways under the window. (Showering his petals.)
Someone has come down from the hill. (Probably my dear is coming.)
Old maple. (Knocks on the glass.)
As my mother wanted me. (Yes, pay for the first.)
The river is wide. (Cursed love.)
Charming eyes. (You have enchanted me.)
The month was colored crimson. (Let's go beauty ride.)
The mail troika is racing. (Along the Volga to mother in winter.)
Evening call, evening Bell. (He leads so much thought.)
Thin rowan. (What are you standing rocking.)
There is no better color. (When the apple tree blooms.)
Khasbulat is daring. (Poor saklya is yours.)
It's not the wind that tends the branch. (Dubravushka is not making noise.)
Felt boots. (The old ones are not hemmed)
Fire. (The girl accompanied the fighter to the position.)
Along the Murom path. (There were three pines.)
Lilies of the valley. (You brought me today.)
Oh snow snowball. (White blizzard.)
On a clean field. (Why are you hot, why are you handsome.)
It's raining outside. (Waters from a bucket.)
Katyusha. (Apple and pear trees were blooming.)
Ah Samara is a small town. (Restless me.)

In the moonlight

Ukhar merchant


Above the window a month

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry

Dissuaded the golden grove

Maple you are my fallen

Letter to mother (You are still alive, my old lady ...)

I have one fun left

Weaved on the lake

I'm a Moscow naughty reveler

I have never been to the Bosphorus

Moscow (Mongol Shuudan)

Mother's letter


I will pray for holy Russia (Hierodeacon Theophilus)

I will go out into the field at night with a horse.
Corner of Russia, paternal home. (Pesnyary) Music In Shainsky.

Russian Field (Jan Frenkel) From the movie "New Adventures of the Elusive."

I drank birch sap in the spring forest. (Mikhail Nozhkin) .From the film "Resident's Error"

Call me softly by name (Lube).

A song about a distant homeland (I ask for a little while). From the film Seventeen Moments of Spring.

Where does the Motherland begin. (Mark Bernes) Matusovsky's words.

Birch sap (Only under the snowfield to bloom on time). Songs.

I love you Russia! My dear Rus! (Mikhail Nozhkin. David Tukhmanov.)

March - "Farewell of a Slav" Written in 1912.

Song of the Motherland. (The sun is shining in the clear sky.)

Why are birches making noise in Russia? (Nikolay Rastorguev and Sergey Bezrukov.) From the series "Plot"

I will go out into the field with my horse at night.

Migratory birds are flying (I don’t need the Turkish coast and I don’t need Africa.)

Oh, you are a wide steppe.

Chistye Prudy (Igor Talkov).

Our toast. (Let's drink to the Motherland, drink to Stalin, drink and pour again.) Song of the war years.

Crane. (Though the earth is warmer there, but the homeland is dearer.) Mark Bernes.

Russian anthem.


Moscow golden-headed

Moscow windows

Moscow Nights

My dear capital, my golden Moscow

Alexandra (film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears")

Moscow. The bells are ringing

I walk around Moscow
Moscow (I love this city of elm). Sergey Yesenin.
The best city on Earth (These words about you are Moscow). Muslim Magomayev.
The song of the old cabman (Only a spring morning will burst over Moscow). Leonid Utyosov.
Ah Arbat my Arbat (Bulat Okudzhava)


Parental home. (Lev Leshchenko) "The parental home began to begin."

Let us pray for our parents. (Soso Pavliashvili).

Letter to mother (You are still alive, my old lady). But the words of Sergei Yesenin.

Talk to me mom.

Sweet mom. (Mom, dear mom, how I love you).

My dear old people. Igor Sarukhanov.

House with windows to the garden. Brothers Radchenko.


Song about a friend. (When you fell off the rocks, he groaned, but held on.) Vladimir Vysotsky.

Friendship. (That our tenderness and our friendship are stronger than passion, more than love.)

Song of friends. (There is nothing better in the world than wandering friends around the world.) The Bremen Town Musicians.

Song about a friend. (A friend is always ready to give up a place in the boat and a circle.)

If you went out with a friend. (What is snow for me, what is heat for me when my friends are with me.)

For friends. (I raise my glass) Vladimir Chernyakov.


Enchanted, bewitched

You are my only one (Yu Vizbor)
My love is alive like the scarlet color of mountain ash. Sergey Drozdov.

For me, you are not more beautiful

What a woman

These eyes are opposite. Obodzinsky.

To please. (I want to please you today). Anatoly Dneprov.

Dawn scarlet. (Lips are scarlet. You are my long-awaited love). Brothers Radchenko.

Eastern song. (Is it raining warm). Valery Obodzinsky.

Singarella. (The anvil groans loudly, since the girl is in my hands).

Lyric (Here the paws of the fir trees ...) V. Vysotsky

White swan on the pond

For lovely ladies

I thought you were happy

I raise my glass

Baby, can you hear me

My clear star ("Flowers")

Outside the window bullfinches (Trofim)

My wealth (Yu. Antonov)

Esmeralda ("Notre Dame de Paris")

Bouquet (A. Barykin)

Mole (I met a girl, a crescent eyebrow ...)

Darling, sleep

I wish you from a thousand stars (I. Sarukhanov)

Mirror (Yu. Antonov)

Because you can't be beautiful like that ("White Eagle")

My only one (F. Kirkorov)

I love you to tears. (I'll make our bed with white rose petals). Alexander Serov.

I miss you (Trofim)

Without you (S. Mikhailov)
Everything for you (S. Mikhailov)
Queen of inspiration (S. Mikhailov)
Three wishes
Near the bridge
Lastly, I will say
I would only know that somewhere you live (O. Mityaev)
I want to marry you
You dreamed in the spring ("Pesnyary")
Draw yak michyachna
I asked ash
Wait, I'll turn on the light for a minute
Furry bumblebee
The first love
This woman
City of Sochi (Trofim)
For you, my woman
Ay (Rosenbaum)
Doves kiss on the roof
Don't go stay with me
I met you
Get high
Smoke from menthol cigarettes
My joy lives
White birch
Let's go for a beautiful ride
There by the cherry orchard
Black eyes
Black eyebrows, brown eyes
Turquoise, gold rings
Ukhar merchant
Weaved on the lake the scarlet light of dawn
My dear forest sun
Kalina (Rada Rai)
Marjanja (M. Shufutinsky)
Two extinguished candles
When I met you the bird cherry blossomed
That evening I did not drink, did not sing (Vysotsky)
Trouble (Pugacheva)
Two roses
Wasted words
Do not put salt on my wound
I'll take you to the tundra
Where the maple makes noise
White motor ship
On that highway
Purple Haze
Lanfren lanfra
Your eyes are green
Under the caress of a plush blanket
Once I swam by the sea
Let's drink to love
Thank you for your son and daughter
You will wake me up at dawn
Fireplace sparks
Once a year, the gardens bloom
The dress
Swan loyalty
Indian summer is noisy
Knives not sharpened
Get high
I'm ready to kiss the sand
Only time
Misty morning
Move away don't look
My dear
I'm drunk
Go outside
Am I to blame
The boat was sailing on the sea
Black eyes
Who made you like this
The snow is spinning
Free duck
Cornflowers in the field
Seagulls astern
Bonfires are burning distant
White mists are floating
A couple lived in the same city
I have to live with you all my life at least once (Vizbor)
Thanks for the day, thanks for the night (M. Boyarsky)
Lonely branch of lilac
Beloved woman

Sweetheart (Nepara)

For love (Lyubavin)

My love

Gone are the sunny days

You tell me cherry

Good morning beloved (Mityaev)

You and I are two banks by the same river (Rada Rai)
My beloved woman (Timur Temirov)
Sweet dream - on the white blanket of January. (Here it is, the long-awaited summer to spite fate).
You are my tenderness. Nargiz Zakirova. (You are my heart, you are my miracle).

Doves kiss on the roof


Wedding. (Give love to each other.) White Eagle.
Wedding. (This wedding sang and danced). Magomayev.

Wedding ring

We wish you happiness

Listen mother-in-law, dear friend, help ...

Be healthy, live richly

Why do brides cry

I want to marry you

The first love

Wedding (V. Korolev)

Invite your father to the white dance (I. Demarin)

Daughter (Kobzon)
I love you to tears. Alexander Serov.
Silver weddings. (And 25 silver aprils surround you like sons). Valentina Tolkunova.
Golden wedding. (Grandma is next to grandfather).

I want to marry you


Officers (O. Gazmanov)

From the heroes of the bygone days (film "Officers")

Dark night

Eh, roads

Rota goes to heaven

In the dugout

Let's wave without looking (film "Shield and Sword")

Where does the Motherland begin

The last fight, it is the most difficult (film "Liberation")

Dark girl

Three tankmen

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast

Tanks rumbled across the field

Gunners, Stalin gave the order

Come on for ... ("Lube")

There in the distance beyond the river

How a soldier served

Do not think down on seconds (film "17 Moments of Spring")

I ask for a little while (film "17 Moments of Spring")

Combat ("Lube")

Victory Day

Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion (film "Belorussky Station")

Farewell to the Slav

Cranes (It sometimes seems to me that the soldiers ...)

Sineva (Paratroopers' Song)

Alyosha (Does the powder turn white in the field ...)

I'll get up before dawn today

The girl accompanied the fighter to the position

The division marched forward along the valleys and hills

No need to be sad, gentlemen officers

Cuckoo (Blue Berets)

Gentlemen officers blue princes

A couple lived in the same city

Battalion Intelligence (Blue Berets)
Officer wives
He did not return from the fight. V. Vysotsky.
Hobble slowly. (On an early sunny morning she saw off). Adrenalin.
A couple lived in the same city. (Oh, you women are unfaithful to their husbands, the husband is at the front, and you are here for a walk). Songs of the war years.

Farewell to the Slav


It's time to hit the road. (On a rainy evening) From the movie Heavenly Slow-Walker.
Because we are pilots. (We are friends of migratory birds. Well, the girls later.)
The main thing, guys, is not to grow old at heart. (Under the wing of the plane.) Soviet song.
The plane is my pectoral cross. (The sky is blue.) And Dolsky.
Phantom. (My phantom is gaining altitude with a roar with a white arrow on its spread wing.)


There behind the fogs. (Blue sea, only sea astern.)
Goodbye beloved city. (We leave tomorrow at sea.)
Goodbye rocky mountains. (And the waves moan and cry.) War years.
Coveted stone. (Cold waves rise in an avalanche,) Sevastopol. Black Sea Fleet.
Tired submarine. (The boat is compressed by wild pressure.
The sea spreads wide. (And the waves are raging in the distance.)
Varangian. (Our proud Varangian does not surrender to the enemy.)
Sea. (The sea is a bottomless world.) Yu Antonov.
Blue eternity. (O sea sea, take me far away.) Muslim Magomayev.
By the sea. By the blue sea. (Vacation of love.)


In a black tulip (A. Rosenbaum)

Orders are not for sale


Love, brothers, love

Are you waiting, Lizaveta

Black Raven

Oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening

A young Cossack walks along the Don

Only a Cossack bullet (A. Rosenbaum)

And on the window platbands (A. Rosenbaum)

Horses roamed on the Don, on the Don (A. Rosenbaum)

Old Man Ataman (Chizh)

Courageous centurion

Oh, with a meadow, with a meadow

Unharness, lads, horses

Oh you Galya, Galya young

Not for me
Oysya, oysya, do not be afraid of me.

Love, brothers, love


You pidmanula me

The power of the bird

Noyako michyachna

Ridny my mother

Chervona Ruta

Nese Galya water

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

There by the spring, by the garden

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

By the cherry orchard


Belarus. (My youth is Belarus).

I dreamed about you in the spring

Bialowieza Forest

You make noise, make noise over me byarozi
Father's house. (A corner of Russia is the father's house).
Our beloved ones. (Do not offend your loved ones with reproaches).
Birch juice. (As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time).
Blackbirds. (You've heard the blackbirds sing).
I cannot do otherwise.
Half an hour before spring.
Listen to mother-in-law.


And I will lie down.
Olesya. (Lives in the Belarusian woodland).


Hava Nagila

Tum balalaika

Jewish tailor. (Quiet as in paradise)
Buy cigarettes. (Approach the infantry and sailors)
Verses about Jews. (There are only Jews around)



Sirun, Sirun


Furry bumblebee

Black eyes

Two guitars behind the wall

Guess me, gypsy

Nane tsoha (from the movie "Tabor goes to the sky)


Kayo berge

Shatritsa (Ay, yes, yes, yes, yes)

Turquoise gold rings

I love the gypsy Jan

Song of Yashka the Gypsy (film "The Elusive Avengers")

Not evening

Baby, can you hear me

Oh, the young boy went on a spree

Coachman, drive to Yar


Sokolovsky choir near Yar

Oh yes

Velichnaya (He came to us, came to us)

Gray hair (And not much you and I have not grown old ...)


My bonfire shines in the fog

I will tell you how I lived with gypsies


Gypsy love

Blue poppies


I will bring you flowers

Dai liu dai la (Gypsy ditties)

Nane tsoha

Marjanja (gypsy)


The scows are full of mullets. (Kostya brought him to Odessa.)
It smells like the sea. (And the moon hangs over the spar itself.) Mikhail Shufutinsky.
Ah, Odessa. (Pearl by the sea.)
By the black sea. (There is a city that I see in a dream.) Leonid Utyosov.


Besame mucho

Ma guitar (film "Desperate") Banderas


About salt myo


M. Shufutinsky

Left bank of the Don


Knives not sharpened

Jewish tailor

Zoya wrote me a letter

Two extinguished candles


My Soul Hurts

Tanya youngster

A bottle of wine

There lived one violinist (Cry, my violin, cry ...)

Candles (Burning, candles cry ...)


I will tell you how I lived with gypsies

Marinochka, Marina

For lovely ladies


And for the last, but for the five

Palma de Mallorca

Yu. Antonov

Mirror (I look at you like in a mirror)

Ah, the white ship

My wealth (Again a month ascended the throne)

For me, you are not more beautiful

Dreams come true

Flying gait

20 years later


The roof of your house (We are all in a hurry for miracles)

Near birches and pines. (Autumn wanders quietly. Is it really all gone).
From what (I was just recently loved and sweet)

Alexander Rosenbaum

Evening drinking (Let's raise this bowl)
Duck Hunt (Walk like this, shoot like that shoot.)
Capercaillie (On the current)
Come to our light.
Prophetic fate (Field, field.)
Esaul is young. (I dozed off under the alder.)
Sleep in hand. (A gray horse with apples.)
Cossack (Under the evening dawn.)
Waltz Boston.
Violinist Monya. (Hello guests.)
Cab. (It's such a good day.)
On the Don on the Don. (The horses walked.)

Song of a Jewish tailor. (Quiet as in paradise.)
Black Tulip. (In Afghanistan, in a black tulip.)
Ay. (I would like to give you a song).
GOP stop. (We came around the corner.)
Ninka. (Like a picture.)
Bunny. (Zoya wrote me a letter.)
Classmates. (My classmates, schoolchildren.)
In Odessa, on the Maidan. (The noise is a commotion.)
Pintail. (The duck is free.)
From bell to bell. (I served my term.)
My Odessa. (Smells like the sea.)
Conversation at the hotel. (Wait, I'll turn on the light in the room for a minute).

Oleg Mityaev

Summer is a small life. (Look at what a beautiful house you live in.)
Good morning darling.
(You are my dear.)
Frenchwoman. (She is as much a Muscovite as she was.)
Neighbor. (The knives are not sharpened.)

Vladimir Vysotsky

Vertex. (This is not a plain for you.)
Song about a friend. (If a friend turned up suddenly.)
Hunting for Wolves. (I struggle with all the sinews.)
Lyric. (Agree at least for paradise in a hut.)
The horses are finicky. (The horses are a little slower.)
Road history. (I came out tall and face.)
Bathhouse. (Fire me the hostess's bathhouse.)
Police protocol. (Think our way, we drank a little.)
He did not return from the fight. (Why is everything wrong?)
Dialogue at the TV. (Oh Wan look what clowns.)
The one who used to be with her. (I didn't drink or sing that evening.)
The song is a fairy tale among evil spirits. (In the reserved and dense Russian Murom forests.)
Indian summer. (Maples painted the city.)
At the cemetery. (And everything is calm in the cemetery.)
The house is crystal. (If I am as rich as the king of the sea.)
I was carrying my trouble. (Spring-like on ice.)
My love turned gray. (In Kolyma, where the tundra and taiga are all around.)
Oh where was I yesterday. (I just remember that the walls are with wallpaper.)
Royal shooter - about a wild boar. (In a kingdom where everything is quiet and smooth.)

When we met with you. (The bird cherry blossomed.)
My gypsy. In my dream, yellow lights. (Eh, one more time.)
Paradise apples. (I will die someday.)
The bride will cry for me honestly. (Others will sing all the songs for me.)
Group soldiers center. (Across the scorched plain.)
I do not like. (I do not like any time of the year when funny songs are not sung.)
I once stood on the watch. (I hold onto my pocket.)


Yuri Vizbor

You are my only one. (There is no other one.)
My sweetheart. (Forest sun.)
Bending the guitar. (It's great that we are all gathered here today.)
Seryoga Sanin. (Either take off, then land.)
They keep telling me. (I have to live my whole life with you at least once.)
Dombai waltz. (The skis are at the stove.)
If I get sick. (Lay down the steppe for me.)
Alexandra. (Moscow was not built in a day.)

Bulat Okudzhava

Georgian song (I will bury a grape seed in the warm earth.)
Your Honor, Lady Luck. (Nine grams in the heart.)
Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion. (We will not stand for the price.)
Cavalier guards. (The century is short.)
Take your greatcoat, let's go home. (And you and I are a brother from the infantry.)
Prayer. (Lord, give everyone what they don't have.)

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim)

Bullfinches. (Outside the window, bullfinches.)
Sochi city. (Shish kebab for brandy.)
I miss you. (Like an apostle through holy torments.)
Doves. (My barefoot childhood.)

Stas Mikhailov
Everything for you. (There is only you in my destiny.)
Without you. (Forgive me dear.)
Queen of inspiration. (All my poems are about you.)
White birch. (I love you.)
Heaven. (Give strength to the tramp.)

Muslim Magomaev
Heart in the snow. (Roads far boom.)
Wedding. (She sang and danced.)
The best city in the world. (These words about you Moscow.)
Queen of beauty. (You are happiness in life, my love.)
Nocturne. (Thank you.)

Alexander Malinin

Lieutenant Golitsyn. (Don't be discouraged.)
Shores. (Between them is the river of my life.)
Fun. (I have one fun left.)
Romance of General Black. (Alone in bed, half asleep again.)
Gulba. (There is gold on the icons.)
Waste words. (Splash witchcraft.)
In the Cape Town Port. (The crew was released ashore.)
Plea. (Where can I get the strength to stop loving.)

Yu Loza

Igor Talkov

Clean ponds. (Each of us has places in the world.)
Former podsaul. (He left to fight.)
Summer rain. (Started early today.)

Viacheslav Dobrynin

Do not put salt on my wound. (Don't say sobbingly.)
Who told you. (No, I can never stop loving you.)
Goodbye to all train stations. (They go to distant lands.)
You will see. (How unlucky I am)
Everything that I have in life. (The world is not simple.)
I don't dream of you. (I'm too.)

Vakhtang Kikabidze

My years are my wealth. (Let my head be gray.)
Wish. (I want the songs to sound.)
Bottoms Up. (If the toastmaster asks you.)
I wander drunk. (But the wine is not to blame.)
Seeing off love. (Half an hour before the flight.)

Grigory Leps

Natalie. (I can't get away from you and fate.)
A glass of vodka on the table.
Good night gentlemen. (And there will be angels flying over your house.)
The best day. (It's great to live after all.)

Alla Pugacheva

Million Scarlet roses. (Those who are in love with seriousness will turn your life into flowers.)
This world was not invented by us.
Not renounce loving. (You can give everything for this.)
Bolshak. (Well, how can one live without love.)
The trouble. (Looking for me in the world.)
Bye, summer. (Birds gather in flocks again.)
I want the summer not to end. (The whole earth is warm.)


I'll buy you a house (White swan on the pond.)
Bird Market. (Birds in a cage, and crows in the wild.)
10 commandments. (I rose from boredom.)

Ivan Kuchin

In the tavern (Let's drink to our friends for our faithful.)
A man in a quilted jacket. (And on the white snow he was leaving the chase.)

M. Gulko

Enemies burned their home


I haven't seen my mom for so long

Blue skies of russia

One Victory (Song of the 10th Airborne Battalion)

Odessa Mishka

Why are you married

If i get sick

Behind the fog

Gentlemen officers


"Gems", "Funny Guys", "Blue Guitars"

For me, you are not more beautiful

This never happens again

I'll take you to the tundra

I will not approach you

Clear bright eyes

When we are silent together

Aleshkina love

Time Machine. (Andrey Makarevich.)

Turn. (We gave ourselves our word.)
Blue bird. (We walked into such steps.)
Puppets. (Faces are erased with paint dull.)
Bonfire. (It will take off everything.)
While the candle is burning (There are days when you throw up your hands.)
Three windows. (I forgot about storms and thunderstorms.)



My clear star

We wish you happiness

"Blue bird"

Where the maple makes noise
My love is alive like the scarlet color of mountain ash (Sergey Drozdov)


There, beyond the mists

Call me softly by name

Why do birches make noise in Russia?

I will go out into the field at night with a horse

All over again

On the tall grass

Sunday. (Konstantin Nikolsky.)

Musician. (The violinist. He hung up his frock coat. The musician over the back of the chair.)
Night bird. (What one sings about in the autumn silence.)
A forgotten song is carried by the breeze. (God, how long has it been.)
When you understand with your mind. (That you are the only one in the world.)

Mikhail Krug
Come to my house. (My doors are open.)
Vladimir Central. (North wind.)
Kate. (Matchmakers came to my father.)
Kolshchik. (Poke the domes on me.)
Silence. (Oh, how you want unfamiliar hands and damn pleasant and moist lips, feminine tenderness.)
Pai girl. (How warm it was. What brought you and me together?)


Moscow Nights

Russian field

How many good girls

Friendship (When with a simple and gentle gaze ...)

By the very blue sea

There is only a moment

Hope (An unfamiliar star is shining ...)

That the heart is so troubled

And the years fly by

I love you life

There is nothing better in the world

Song of the old cab (L. Utyosov)

Black cat

Wonderful neighbor

We wish you happiness

Under the wing of an airplane

Purple Haze

Here under a strange sky

Crimson ringing

There in the distance beyond the river

Queen of beauty

Candles (On an autumn night outside the window ...)

White snow

Lonely accordion

Ryabinushka (Evening with a quiet song ...)

Someone came down from the hill

Bloomed under the window ...

There are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov ...

Daisies hid

My village

From far away the Volga river flows for a long time

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked

For you, my woman

I met a girl with a crescent eyebrow


Bouquet (A. Barykin)

green-eyed taxi

Sailor (And when the sea is rolling ...)

The dark mounds are sleeping

I raise my glass

I'll take you to the Tundra

From Vagante (On the French side ...)

Dawn scarlet

You can't hide from people in the village

Trouble has green eyes

Parental home

People meet, people fall in love

How delightful evening in Russia

Sharmanka (N. Baskov)

The city that does not exist (I. Kornelyuk)

Moscow, the bells are ringing

Mirror (Yu. Antonov)

Call me softly by name ("LYUBE")

Coward does not play hockey

Song about Shchors

Talk to me mom


The river runs in the fog and melts

Have you heard the blackbirds sing

If you go out with a friend

All will pass

By the forest at the edge

Blue frost

You will wake me up at dawn

Thank you for your son, thank you for your daughter

Ural mountain ash

God save the king

Once a year, the gardens bloom

Teddy bear, teddy bear, where is your smile

Village (I consider myself urban now ...) (S. Belikov)

It just so happens if you fall in love ...

Dress (Nothing to wear, whatever you say ...)

Galina lives in this house

Swan loyalty


Indian summer

The bird cherry sways under the window

Lost the bears

Former podsaul (Talkov)

New Year's (Serduchka)

There is no better color

Good mood

Dawn Till Dawn (Dan Spataru)

Tell me cherry (Kirkorov)

Good mood

Siberian frosts (Kuzmin)

Wanderer (V. Presnyakov)

The bird cherry blossomed

Buttercups flowers

Blue poppies

I remember the stars are blue

Wandering artists

Gold fish

The bears got lost. Yard songs with a guitar.

Nichyako michyachna "Only old men go to battle"

Tanks rumbled across the field "In war as in war"

From the heroes of the bygone days "Officers"

Cavalier guards, a century is not long "The star of captivating happiness"

Your Honor "White Sun of the Desert"

Cursed thoughts "Five evenings"

Horses are walking over the river "Bumbarash"

Scows full of mullet "Two fighters"

Dark night "Two fighters"

Friendship "Summer evening in Gagra"

Three tankmen "Tractor drivers"

Migratory birds are flying "Cold summer of 53"

Song about a friend "Vertical"

Here you are not flat "Vertical"

The dark mounds are sleeping "Big Life"

Time to go, on the road "Heavenly slug"

From people in the village ... "It was in Penkovo"

Do not think down on seconds of "17 Moments of Spring"

I ask for a short while "17 Moments of Spring"

Trouble has green eyes "Dangerous friends"

Lanfren-lanfra "Midshipmen, forward"

The city that does not exist "Gangster Petersburg"

Shaggy bumblebee "Cruel Romance"

And finally, I'll say ... "Cruel Romance"

Not evening "Dowry"

Honey, you hear me "Dowry"

Wait, the "Operation Y" steam locomotive

Oh, at the meadow, at the "Wedding in Malinovka" meadow

Are you waiting, Lizaveta ... "Alexander Parkhomenko"

Love, brothers, love "Alexander Parkhomenko"

I'm in the spring forest ... "Resident error"

From dawn to dawn "Song of the Sea"

About hares "The Diamond Arm"

Birch juice "Real guy"

Our service is both dangerous and difficult "Experts lead the investigation"

Again the month ascended to the throne "Take care of women"

Ma guitar (Banderas) "Desperate"

March of the gunners "6 pm after the war"

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale ... "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession"

The Island of Bad Luck "Diamond Arm"

Kurochkin's couplets "Wedding with a dowry"

Song about a friend (If there is one joy for everyone) "The way to the pier"

Why didn't you meet me "Different destinies"


Murka (You are my moray eel.)
The cherries ripened. (In Uncle Vanya's garden.)
Taganka. (Why did you ruin me.)
Wait, steam locomotive. (Conductor, press the brakes.)
Vanino port. (I remember that Vanino port.)
Take me, cab. (Pour a drink for her, dear, to remove the whim.) Alexander Novikov.
In Kolyma. (Where tundra and taiga are all around.)
Ushanochka. (And I'll pull the earflaps deeper.) Gennady Zharov.
Pigeons are flying over our area. (How I would like to fly away with pigeons to my native land.)
The share of the thieves. (This is the share of the thieves.)
My grandmother smokes a pipe. Garik Sukachev.
On the tundra, by rail. (Where the Vorkuta - Leningrad train rushes.)
Testimony of an innocent person. (I leaned back, what a bazaar is a station.)
The night is not moving. (The lanterns wobble and the owl struck with a wing.)
Suitcase. (Come on, put your suitcase away.)
Trilogy about an old woman's grandmother. (Grandma is healthy and dreams of surviving the raid.) Arkady Severny and Grisha Berbe.
Railway station. (I'll go to the station today.) Garik Krichevsky.

Anniversary of a woman - songs about female beauty, about love, songs for women.

Anniversary of the man. Songs for men, about friendship, favorite works.

Anniversary of the company, corporate holiday, anniversary of the company - songs about the profession, professional songs.

City holiday - the day of the city, songs about Moscow, cities.

Special repertoire for Victory Day, May 9, Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23, International holiday March 8, Valentine's Day, Shrovetide, Christian holidays, Russian Independence Day, Christmas.

Retro parties. Hits of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s Popular songs of Soviet performers and VIA, Disco 80s.

Evenings over 30, over 40 - dance hits.

Concert performances in restaurants, clubs, boarding houses, rest houses.

You can continue listening to the songs on the pages of Yuri Kuznetsov sings.

Music repertoire of a cover band- this is a playlist of prepared non-author's compositions.

These songs are popular at events and performed in a specific cover band arrangement. A cover group is a musical group that performs non-author's compositions in an individual style. Often, such groups are ordered to liven up any event, adding zest to it and taking advantage of the opportunity to hear your favorite songs live.

One of the main mistakes of the repertoire when choosing songs!

What kind of compositions will sound at the celebration depends on the customer. The mood of the client and the impression of the musical arrangement in general will depend on how competently the repertoire of the event will be drawn up. In our case, we approve it in advance on the eve of the scheduled date. But! There is one nuance that the client forgets. Its taste may differ from the taste of the guests at the party. What to do in this case? We have found a solution to this issue and offer you to choose from 250 songs cover band repertoire Favorite songs. Further, this list is adjusted and approved with the client.

What makes a complete and high-quality playlist different:

  • the presence of popular compositions (most often these are American, French, Italian world and domestic hits);
  • the best songs of different times (from the 70s-80s, ending with our time);
  • the presence of separate, so-called, female compositions, songs from cartoons and films, and even military or post-war ones.

Before ordering a musical group, it is worth listening to recorded performances or videos from live performances. This will give you confidence in the quality performance of certain necessary hits. It will also help to understand in what style this or that tribute group is playing and whether it is suitable for this particular celebration.

A professional cover group has at least 80 hits in its repertoire.

What styles of compositions can the band's cover repertoire include?

In terms of style and genres, the selected customer's songs can be completely different. From jazz compositions and romances to eccentric rock and roll and Latin. It is important to know in what arrangements the musical group will perform your favorite tunes. We do not experiment much with arrangements, as the listener may not like the new arrangement at all. People are used to a certain sound and the new arrangement makes it a new song.

Professional cover bands work with the following musical directions:

  • jazz and even symphonic jazz;
  • rhythm and blues;
  • rock and rock and roll;
  • pop and rap directions;
  • lounge and hot jazz:
  • as well as disco and hip-hop.

Do not forget about the songs of the 20th century, which can be heard in modern arrangements of professional cover bands.

What music repertoire at what celebration?

In our practice, the customer himself fills the playlist that he wants to hear at his holiday. The songs are taken from the proposed repertoire, which can be downloaded directly from the site.

Our team leader often tells customers which songs people respond to best. Considering 10 years of experience, this is not so difficult to do:

  • for the wedding- funny solemn songs about love and family;
  • for birthday (anniversaries)- birthday compositions;
  • to the corporate- a collection of songs liked by the majority;
  • jazz performance- thematic events.

Of course, for a large and eventful program, the repertoire of the celebration itself is filled with both your favorite compositions and world hits. Typically between cover band repertoire for a wedding and there is a slight difference in the birthday repertoire.

Examples of music repertoire for a wedding

One of the programs of our wedding cover band:

  1. The Baseballs- Umbrella
  2. Yuri Antonov - Flying gait
  3. Boney M. - Sunny
  4. Shocking Blue - Venus
  5. Queen - We will rock you
  6. Whitney Houston - I will always love you
  7. Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody
  8. Maroon 5 - She will be loved
  9. James Brown - I Feel Good
  10. THE BEATLES - Can't buy me love
  11. Film End - Alice
  12. Beasts - Districts Quarters
  13. Christmas tree - on a big balloon
  14. Tina Turner - Simply Te Best
  15. Viagra - I Have Another
  16. Black Eyed Peace - Let’s Get It Started
  17. Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
  18. IOWA - Smile
  19. Gagarina - The play is over
  20. Bon Jovi - It’s My Life
  21. Pharell Williams - Happy
  22. Bravo - Leningradsky Rock - roll
  23. Bravo Moscow Bit

Examples of music repertoire for corporate events

One of the programs of the Elim's Band cover at the corporate party:

  1. Jessie J - Price tag
  2. Agutin - On the lilac moon
  3. Iowa - Beats the Beat
  4. Bravo - Moscow beat
  5. Elvis Presley - A little less conversation
  6. Glorya Gaynor - i wiil survive
  7. Iowa - mom
  8. The baseballs - umbrella
  9. Robin Schulz - Sugar
  10. Beasts - Districts Quarters
  11. Leningrad - Exhibit (On Louboutins)
  12. Antonov - Flying gait
  13. Earthlings - Grass by the House
  14. Rihanna - We found love
  15. Clean Bandit - Rather be
  16. Christmas tree - Draw me the sky
  17. Leprechauns - Khali Gali
  18. Madcon - Beggin
  19. Zucchero - Baila morena
  20. Adriano Celentano - Suzanna
  21. Kristalinskaya - it is snowing
  22. Whitney houston - i will always love you
  23. Bon Jovi - It’s My Life
  24. Michel - Telo ai se eu te pego

Invite a cover group to a corporate party in Moscow!

Pakhom*ova Natalia Vasilievna
Position: choir teacher
Educational institution: MBOU DO DSHI No. 4
Locality: Kursk city, Kursk region
Material name: methodical development
Theme:"Selection of vocal repertoire for students of the Children's Art School"
Date of publication: 17.09.2017
Chapter: additional education

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education

« Children's Art School No. 4 in Kursk»

Methodical development

"Selection of vocal repertoire for students of the Children's Art School"

Compiled by:

teacher of Children's Art School No. 4

in the class of choral disciplines

Pakhom*ova Natalia Vasilievna


This development is devoted to the problem of selecting a vocal repertoire

for students of the Children's Art School. The pedagogical conditions for the selection and

mastering the repertoire in the vocal class of the children's art school, as well as

personal teaching experience.

INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

classroom children's art schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Experience in the selection of a vocal repertoire in a nursery

art schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . .


One of the negative trends of our time is significant

s n and e

in cultural


highly artistic

vocal music. The dominance of low-standard products of mass culture and






cause an increase in interest in the problems of musical and aesthetic

personality development.


musical and aesthetic


growing up

generations are devoted to the statements of masters of art of different times and

peoples. In "Rules of Life for Musicians" R. Schumann wrote: "On

sweets, cookies and candies from a child can never grow healthy

person. Spiritual food, like bodily food, should be simple and

healthy. The great masters have taken sufficient care of such food; her and

stick with it. "

From the point of view of D.B. Kabalevsky, it is in music with the greatest





a person, his thoughts and feelings, his perception of life. In the origins of music, in



human movement ... ".

Vocal music is the earliest art form. Already on

the dawn of human civilization, people used a voice for sound

signals and communication with each other. The forms of vocal music became more complex by

with the development of human society.

Having become an independent art, music developed in close connection

with a speech, with a word. On the basis of the synthesis of music and words, many

vocal genres of music: intended for solo, ensemble or








enriches it with meanings, shades of color, feelings.

Vocal education is not an end in itself, but a unique way of involvement






The most important factor in the musical and aesthetic development of a child is





the most important

significance not only for professional vocal education, but also for

full-fledged general musical and aesthetic development of the personality.

The study

the established






vocal teachers

the main











and cultural and educational



not enough.




artistic and pedagogical












musical and aesthetic development of pupils of the Children's School of Arts on top samples

world vocal culture and insufficient development of theory and

methods of selecting a vocal repertoire in relation to children's school


The solution to this problem is goal research.

Selection of vocal repertoire for students of the Children's School of Arts as a problem

music education pedagogy


"list") -

a set of works that are performed at a concert, competition or

unlearned in the course of classes.



is an

the most important part of a teacher's work with a student in a vocal lesson.





research by physiologists, psychologists, acoustics, phoniatrists,

musicians. Various approaches to this problem are highlighted in the scientific and

musical and pedagogical literature.

There are several stages in the development of a child's voice, although

there are differences in views on this issue among various authors:

0–2 years - early childhood;

2–6 years old - preschool age;

6-10 years old - primary school age;

10–12 years old - middle school age;

12 - 16 years old - senior school (pubertal) age.


characterized by shifts


conditioned by


the physical condition of his body, which, of course, affects his

but also from a medical point of view.

and goes through several stages of its development:

1) 5–6, 9–10 years - junior home age;

2) 9–10, 12–13 years - senior home age, flourishing of voice;

3) 12-13, 15-16 - the period of mutation, in which the child's voice acquires






aimed at expanding the repertoire from the first year of study.

Choosing the right repertoire contributes to successful performance

vocal performer. The repertoire must be artistically valuable,






diverse, pedagogically useful, promoting

artistic growth of the singer.



stand out

the following


















sound science,

sound production, etc.).

Concert repertoire - works for performance at concerts.


to uncover


singer, which he mastered in the educational process. For a concert piece

should fit in style, theme, etc.









show the qualities of the student, acquired by him in the process of teaching vocal.




art critics,




“... it is important to give young students to sing only such pieces of music,





singing. "

Egorycheva in

the book "Exercises for the development of vocal

technology "

wrote: “Correct





isolated moments are rather arbitrary, since any exercise




artistic tasks ".

N. Polyakova in the article "Children's vocal repertoire: the formation




the main

components of the children's vocal repertoire: “classic miniatures,

folk and modern songs of a melodious character, in style close to

classical music, and vocalizations ”. At the same time, the author notes that “all this

the material must be classified according to the degree of vocal and technical














The ministry




the website does not provide sample programs for educational

subject "Vocal", for which vocal teachers could




are oriented




academic subject

pursue a common goal and solve common tasks of spiritual and moral

development of students, artistic and aesthetic education and general

culture of schoolchildren. Sample program approved by the Ministry

on "Chorus" pays special attention to the problem of repertoire.

Basic principles of repertoire selection:

1. The artistic value of the work.

2. The need to expand the musical and artistic horizons

3. Solving educational problems.

4. Classical music at the core (Russian and foreign in combination with





different genres).

5. Creation of an artistic image of a work, identification of ideological

emotional meaning.

6. Availability: a) by content; b) by voice capabilities; v)

for technical skills.

7. Variety: a) by style; b) by content;

c) pace, nuance; d) in complexity.

Pedagogical conditions for the selection and development of the vocal repertoire

classroom children's art school




art education and musical and aesthetic development of children and


last thing



education in the younger generation has significantly weakened, the problem

musical and aesthetic development is especially relevant.










pedagogy. So, to the basic methodological principles of artistic

education include "early learning, continuity

and the continuity of different levels of art education ”. The idea of ​​personality development is realized in successive ties of all types

and types of educational institutions (kindergartens, general education








additional education, including children's art schools) and

institutions of culture and art.

musical and aesthetic


carried out

the formation of the child's musical and aesthetic culture.

Correct and expressive singing is an indicator of development

musical culture of the individual. Although singing is a natural factor, it is not

less, for a number of reasons, children have recently been singing less and worse.

The task of the class teacher is not only to develop the voice of children, but also to teach

students constantly listen to themselves while singing, analyze it all the time with



extent, shading, sound strength, etc. At the same time, we must not forget about

the artistic side of the performance. Thus, the development of vocal

skills - the most difficult task facing the teacher-musician.

Singing fulfills a number of functions in the context of music education and







there is an acquaintance with diverse compositions;

Getting an idea of ​​musical genres, methods of development;

Study of the connection between music and words in vocal works;

Mastering some of the features of folklore and musical language

works by professional composers.






children's attitude to the art of music, stimulates the development of interest

to music and to musical pursuits. Singing solves the problem of developing hearing and





skills necessary for expressive, emotional and meaningful

execution. Being one of the most affordable types of performing



general educational

the necessary



emotional response to various phenomena of life, analytical skills





the emotional and moral meaning of each piece of music,

through the formation of a personal assessment of the music performed.

At the children's art school, where students combine singing with learning

playing musical instruments, it is vocal lessons that serve as one













contribute to the formation of music-making skills.

The success of vocal work largely depends on various reasons.

One of them is the initial level of the general musical culture of children,

influencing the development of psychophysical processes such as perception

music, memory, communication skills, emotional reactions. Other

primary vocal skills before entering art school.





vocal development of children, the most significant of which is the singing installation,

work on breathing, work on articulation, work on sound, work

over the work.

Articulation, an essential part of vocal work, is closely related to

breathing, sound production, intonation, etc. With the help of a good

articulation while singing the text reaches the listener. Articulating

the apparatus for children and especially young children needs development. Here

everything is important, everything affects the quality of performance: the ability to open your mouth when



get free


tension of the lower jaw, freely place the tongue in the mouth. While singing

it is also important to chant vowels, rounding them; strive for sound purity

unstressed vowels; pronounce consonants quickly and clearly.



we care about the quality of sonority and intonation. We make sure that children open

mouth, do not sing through teeth or with a nasal sound. In this case, the role of

showing the teacher.

Young children should not be asked for great sounding power,






remember that you cannot shout, speak loudly, and during ailments

you can't even sing.




singer. It is desirable that the cantilla predominate in the vocal repertoire.









to organically enter the lesson.

Work on the work. The content of a vocal work and its

character is analyzed together with the child, which contributes to education

hearing and hearing music.

listening attentively


"Hints" (without a literary basis) in his imagination could create



gets used to

at the same time, to determine the means of expression, the form of the work.

Everything will be understood by children if you pay attention to it from the very beginning.

A child cannot sing indifferently. If he understood the song well,




emotional and persuasive. Work on the work is carried out

in parallel with work on individual skills and abilities. the main objective




you just


to teach the child to “see” what is being performed, to sing softly, to exclude loudness.



get hold of












competitive and concert performances.







is an


the formation

children vocal and intonation skills. Despite the fact that from success

organization of vocal and intonation work with children largely depends on

the quality of the musical educational process, this area belongs to

least developed in the theory and methodology of general and additional



education, first of all, requires the development of the creativity of students,



playing music,

the formation


musical outlook, aesthetic attitude to life.

By defining the problem, you can identify the main ways to solve it - these are

development of uniform, scientifically based, targeted and effective







music and art education.

Lack of stable curricula and educational programs





prevents the formation of educational requirements, the development of modern





the respective



experience. The School of Arts develops with enthusiasm and initiative

heads of local cultural and educational bodies and workers themselves



on one's own

to develop

to formulate


the documents.

brewed in its own juice, including our DSHI No. 4 of the city of Kursk.

At the same time, our school of arts has two programs for

subject "Vocal" for choral and instrumental departments (Appendices


we served

o p y t n o -

experimental work.







The study

psychological and pedagogical






allowed to identify a number of leading principles.

The principle of combining technical and artistic in teaching.




harmonious development of artistic and technical qualities at the same time.

The repertoire should combine a narrowly focused set of exercises,










Before starting work with a student, you need to conduct a pedagogical






Having determined



are selected

the corresponding




repertoire, since it is necessary to find exactly that limited number


capable of


directions. A well-chosen piece must be accessible

student both artistically and technically. And for this






material in their field of activity.





artistic and pedagogical


is an




get hold of


knowing the pedagogical repertoire and knowing how to use it, has in

his hands are a powerful tool for the development of a singer. Unfortunately, in classrooms it is often

have to









a repertoire that can be used for pedagogical purposes. It is strong

reduces the effectiveness of training. "





the teacher must certainly take into account the individual

properties of each student, characteristics of temperament, character. Often

it so happens that a certain student is more suitable lyric

songs, and the teacher, without noticing this, gives funny, incendiary

songs, and vice versa. In these cases, the student will not reveal himself in the song, or she

he simply will not be interested.

The selection of the repertoire should also take place within the framework of the decision

educational tasks.

The principles of repertoire selection are the basis of the educational and creative process in

teaching vocals to schoolchildren. Its sequential development from simple to




training and education of students of vocal. Multi-genre vocal





composers contribute to the accumulation of performing experience by students

and knowledge.

The question of choosing a repertoire is the main one in the work of the performer. From

skillful selection of the repertoire depends on the growth and development prospects of the singer. V

first of all, you need to remember about the tasks assigned to the beginner





practicing certain vocal skills.













repertoire curriculum lists and teaching aids based

on this principle.



to be highly artistic,



and developing

character, correspond


r e b y n k a

his understanding,

correspond performing

opportunities children to be diverse in nature and content, a

it is also necessary to complicate the repertoire as necessary in order to

acquisition of certain skills.

In order to choose the correct repertoire for students, it is necessary

first of all:




- select a repertoire based on the needs and abilities of everyone

guided by



compiled in the DSHI.

Experience in the selection of vocal repertoire in conditions

children's art school





knowledge of students, a study was carried out on the basis of the Children's School of Arts No. 4 of the city

Kursk. Pupils were offered a questionnaire containing ten questions on

vocal and literary topics. The age of the respondents is 8-16 years old.

The children were offered a questionnaire containing the following questions:

3. What vocal works do you like?

4. What pieces did you want to perform?

5. What works do you have in your vocal repertoire?

6. What vocal performers do you know, what do you like more about them?


9. What poets do you know?

10. On whose poems are the following works written?

1) Muses. S. Prokofiev "Chatterbox";

2) Muses. P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn";

3) Muses. G. Sviridov "Winter Evening";

4) Muses. A. Varlamov "A lonely sail is gleaming white";

5) Muses. E. Krylatova "Winged Swing".

The results of the survey are presented in Appendix No. 5.

in order to talk and express your thoughts. " Quite understandable and

competent answer to the question.

To the question "Why does a person need a vocal voice?" the children answered,

and human experiences.

To the question "What vocal works do you like?" every child

answered in his own way. Some wrote about the nature of the works, others indicated





pupils like English songs, and some also like Russian classics. Those.

student responses vary widely and depend on personal preference.

To the question "What works did you want to perform?" the answers sounded:

modern pop songs, English songs, as well as, in general, the most

famous all over the world.

When asked about the content of their vocal repertoire, the children listed in

mostly works that have been performed in vocal lesson for the last year-

two. This suggests that, perhaps, students do not remember the works.

previously executed by them.

When asked what vocal performers you know, and what

I like the works, only one student wrote about Luciano Pavarotti,

the rest of the students wrote only about contemporary pop singers. Judging by

answers, you can draw a certain conclusion.












ideas about what qualities a singing voice should have.

Answering the question, “What qualities of a vocal voice would like

develop at home? "

intonation, good and correct breathing, wide range, smooth

sound science.

2015 is the year of literature in Russia, in this regard, it was relevant

ask the children what poets they know. The most popular were

A.S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov, as well as S.A. Yesenin and V.V. Mayakovsky.







works. When doing this, like other previous assignments,





the need



musical and aesthetic

development of students of the Children's Art School, including in vocal lessons.


musical and aesthetic


students, the experience of the teacher in the class of choral disciplines was studied



teacher - 36 years old.

T.N. Lepeskina shared not only teaching materials, but also

information about the peculiarities of the musical development of children involved in

her class. Among them are Avetisyan Arevik and Bespalova Alina.

Arevik Avetisyan - 8 years old, 2nd class of Children's Art School, choir department.




vocal data. By nature, the student has good data regarding

hearing, rhythm, musicality. But they were very poorly developed, like that of



had a small range.

The teacher, seeing the student's good musical data, became





it is possible to relieve the child of psychological constraints earlier.

In the first year of study at the Children's Art School with Arevik in the academic, competitive and

concert repertoire included the following works:




be friends";

M. "Final

op. "Fly

Tsokotukha ";

Spadavecchia A. "Good Beetle"; L.N.p. "The sun was rising"; R.n.p. "In the field





intonation skills.

Successful development of the repertoire and performances at school concerts





All-Russian competition-festival "I give you wings" (I degree diploma).

In the second year of study, Arevik grew up in every sense. For half a year

managed to master the following repertoire:

Vocalises by F. Abt (1,2,); V. Rebikov "The Sparrow-Sparrow"; Gladkov G.

"Plasticine Crow"; R.n.p. "Zhuravel".




take part in a New Year's musical fairy tale.





borders "(I degree diploma), prepares for the city competition" Crystal


In the prospect of mastering the following works: F. Abt vocalise No. 7,




forge ".

The following conclusion can be drawn. The obvious growth of the student is noticeable, by






complex, taking into account psychophysiological characteristics (for example, Arevik




development teacher gives the student classical works, Russian

folk songs for unaccompanied performance. As a result, for such



liberated, she began to sing louder, louder, the range of her voice increased.

Moreover, she became more confident in behaving not only in the classroom, but also

when entering the stage.

Bespalova Alina - 12 years old, 6th grade Children's Art School, choir department.

Like most children, Alina came to the art school as a young

a six-year-old child. Tatiana Nikolaevna began to study from the second

The teacher noticed that Alina differs from the rest of the children in that



learn to sing and puts all his efforts into it.

All my years of vocal training were based on compulsory exercises.

to develop vocal skills.




learning. All works were given according to the principle from simple to complex,

Russian and foreign classics were always present in the repertoire,

songs of the peoples of the world, works of Soviet and contemporary composers,



exercises. Principle



artistic was also present at the selection of the repertoire, were taken into account

age and individual characteristics of the student.

List of repertoire for all years of study:

Tatarinova N. Vocalises (1-10); Abt F. Vocaliza (1-8); Krokhmal V.

Vocalise No. 1.5; Konkone D. Vocalise No. 1,2; Nikitina T. and S. “The Big Secret

for a small company "; V. Chernyshev “This Big World”; Pakhmutova A.


"Spring"; Glinka M. “Oh, it’s night, little night”; Mancini "Moon River";

Cui Ts. "Autumn"; V. Rebikov “Hello, guest - winter!”; Waltz from m / f




Svetlana ";


"Songs are born by themselves"; R. Schumann "Evening Star"; Mozart V. “Children

Rybnikov A. "Romance of the tortoise Tortilla"; Karasev P. "Mountain

tops "; P. Karasev "In the dark forest"; R.n.p. "Like under a hill"; R.n.p. "In

the birch stood in the field ”; A.N.p. "Rain rain, go away"; N.n.p. "Spring"; R.n.p. "Way down

along the mother, along the Volga "; R.n.p. "Thin rowan", etc.

During the five-year study with Tatyana Nikolaevna, Alina

has achieved tremendous results. Considered one of the few best

vocal students among children's art schools of the city. Participant of the children's

choir of Russia under the direction of V. Gergiev. In the summer of 2015 I went to

to the children's camp "Artek". At the end of December 2015 he will sing with

children's choir of Russia at a concert in the Kremlin. Takes an active part in















Starfall "," Glory, Fatherland "," Tribute to Chopin "," Talents of the new

era "," I am an artist. "


are based

competently selected repertoire by teacher T.N. Lepeskina. Her experience




musically and aesthetically, but not without their own efforts.



are experiencing


difficulties in providing pedagogical literature as a methodological

the fact that textbooks created in previous decades have become dilapidated and in many ways


are outdated.


Internet resources,

however, even there it is not always easy to find that vocal work that

necessary for solving specific technical and artistic problems.




training in vocal class. In the Children's School of Arts No. 4 in Kursk, programs have been developed for




made up

teacher in the class of chorus and vocal Bredikhina T.V. The programs were

The first program is designed for children with a study period of 5 (6) years,






foreign classics, Russian folk songs, songs of the peoples of the world, as well as

The second program is designed for children with a term of study of 7 (8) years,

applicants at the age of 6-9 years. An approximate repertoire is also given.




works of contemporary composers.

Both programs have an item called "Selection of educational

repertoire ".

it is said: “Musical and singing




working out




is an


some time difference in the formation of various musical and singing

skills, although from the very first year of study there is a gradual formation

as each skill separately, and the relationship between them. "

In accordance with the curriculum of the Children's Art School No. 4, each student twice a





half a year


performance by students, namely:

I half of the year

II half of the year

1) Vocalise or exercise (for 1st grade students);

2) A piece with accompaniment;

3) A capella piece (unaccompanied).

For graduate students, the following requirements are:

I half of the year




(audition for the final exam).

II half of the year

Final exam. The graduate performs:

1) Vocalise

2) A piece with accompaniment;

3) A piece with accompaniment;

4) A capella piece (unaccompanied);

5) A capella piece (unaccompanied).




choice of repertoire.

In the learning environment, improvements in singing are constantly observed.

development of each child, but significant changes in voice skills,




drawing up





improving the mastery of vocal skills.





developed by








older age - performance of simple classical vocalizations for

Uncomplicated children's songs by modern composers are quite suitable





opportunities and success of teaching senior children, possibly

performance of simple works of classical and pop vocal





are presented in Appendices No. 3, No. 4.

Aesthetic development should be based on performance

about music as a single art in which there is opposition

not "light" and "serious" music, but artistic and anti-artistic

works. Therefore, in

repertoire I use: works of Russians and

foreign composers, composers - classics, folk songs, songs

Soviet and contemporary composers.



expand the musical horizons of children, solve educational problems,


(by Russians




















vocal performance






How much




aesthetic development, so effective is the development process

vocal and performing culture of schoolchildren. The repertoire contains

the didactic basis of the educational and creative process. He can impersonate

interest, accessibility, visibility, systematicity and consistency,




a stimulating basis for the musical and creative development of future singers.

The measure of the correspondence of the repertoire to the interests and needs of the performers, its






creative tasks. The repertoire contains a substantial core,

which can become a kind of beacon for children and lead them along the way to

self-improvement, self-realization, or, conversely, put a barrier,




the importance of both the formation and development of the repertoire.

Repertoire analysis at the didactic level allows a deeper understanding of

its all-encompassing nature. Choice of Works for Specific Study

conditioned by

artistic and aesthetic








The specific



an organic synthesis of the normative and the individual. In this duality

lies the secret of the educational and educational value of the repertoire.

Thus, the musical repertoire as the basis of educational and creative














aesthetic development and education of students.


Vocal music is an integral part of the musical culture of different





artistic and imaginative thinking and imagination in a child











personal culture.





pedagogical conditions for the formation of a vocal repertoire in the context

musical and aesthetic development of students of the Children's School:

- the principle of consistency, implying the implementation of a comprehensive





education of intonational culture of students;





perception of musical works and components of the musical language;

- the principle of the priority of national musical culture, native

- the principle of reliance on health-saving technologies that combine

vocal and intonation work;





development of students.

Constant careful work on issues of vocal repertoire






peculiarities helps each student to gain a deeper knowledge of their personal

vocal opportunities, to acquire your own performing look.





the need










psychophysical development of children.

The carried out





areas of theoretical and practical activity, essential for


musical and aesthetic



Among them are the problems of continuity in the development of vocal and intonation

skills at various levels of education, as well as the education of artistry in

vocal students at the children's art school.


Varlamov A.E. Complete Singing School: A Study Guide. - 3rd ed., Rev. -

SPb .: Lan; PLANET OF MUSIC, 2008 .-- 120 p.



Rhythm. Part 2, 3. Intonation. Composition. - M .: Muzyka, 1972 .-- 378 p.

Dmitriev, L. Fundamentals of vocal techniques. - M .: Muzyka, 1968 .-- 675 p.

Shuman R. About music and musicians. Collection of articles. - M .: Music, 1979.

- T. II-B. - 295 p.





Musical Ukraine, 1980 .-- 112 p.

1997 .-- 192 p.

Kabalevsky D.B. Peers: Conversations about music for youth. - M .:

Music, 1980 .-- 120 p.

Osenneva M.S., Samarin V.A., Ukolova L.I. Method of working with children

vocal and choral collective. - M .: ACADEMA, 1999 .-- 223 p.





A sample program for the subject PO.01.UP.01. CHORUS //

Additional pre-professional general education program

in the field of musical art "choral singing" / Developer O.Yu.


M inisterst in about

kul t u r s

mkrfministerstvo / departament / detail.php?

ID = 508082 & SECTION_ID = 19546

Appendix # 1

Appendix # 2

Appendix No. 3

Repertoire list of works by students for 2013/14


Yuliya 1



1. N Tatarinova Vocalise No. 1;

2. N. Tatarinova Vocalise No. 2;

3. Arr. N. Nesterova "Geese";

4. Arr. P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Bird";

5.R.n.p. "Like under a hill";

6.R.n.p. "There was a birch in the field."

Mochkarovskaya Karina Grade 4 (repertoire list of works,

performed at an academic concert throughout the year)

1. N. Tatarinova Vocalise No. 10;

2. F. Abt Vocalise No. 1;

3. Muses. A. Alyabyeva, lyrics A. Pushkin "Winter Road";

4. Arr. R. Gunda, trans. A. Efremenkova "Cuckoo";

5.R.n.p. "Zhuravel";

6.R.n.p. Kalina.


Andrey 7




performed at an academic concert throughout the year)

1. F. Abt Vocalise No. 1;

2. F. Abt Vocalise No. 2;

3. Muses. G. Gladkov, lyrics V. Lugovoy "Walking Song";

4. Muses. V. Reneva, lyrics A. Newcomer "White Path";

5.R.n.p. "In the smithy";

6.R.n.p. "Ah, the street, the street is wide."

Appendix No. 4

Repertoire list of works by students for 2014/15





performed at an academic concert throughout the year)

1. N. Tatarinova Vocalise No. 2;

2. N. Tatarinova Vocalise No. 3;

3. Muses. V. Blaga, words. M. Wesely "Dance";

4. Muses. B. Savelyev, lyrics A. Hayta "We will survive this trouble";

5. Arr. P. Karasev "Mountain Peaks".

6. Arr. P. Karasev "The grass turns green".


Elizabeth 4



performed at an academic concert throughout the year)

1. F. Abt Vocalise No. 5;

2. V. Krokhmal Vocalise No. 5;

3. Muses. A. Kudryashova, lyrics I. Yavorovskaya "By the River";

4. Muses. I. Franceskevich, lyrics I. Bunin "Northern Birch";

5. Arr. P. Karasev "Down, along the mother, along the Volga";

6.R.n.p. "Like a godfather to a godfather."

Samokhvalova Ksenia Grade 6 (repertoire list of works,

performed at an academic concert throughout the year)

1. I. Franceskevich Vocalise;

2. V. Krokhmal Vocalise No. 5;

3. Muses. P. Tchaikovsky, to lyrics A. Plescheeva "Autumn";

4. Muses. I. Franceskevich, lyrics S. Yesenin "Bird cherry";

5.R.n.p. "Thin rowan";

6.R.n.p. "In the dark forest".

Appendix No. 5

Students' answers to the questionnaire

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

To express your thoughts.

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

To express your emotions.



15 years old, grade 6

To man

people to express their thoughts and emotions, which

we want to convey.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

To communicate with other people.

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

To express your thoughts.


your thoughts, ideas, feelings ...



10 years old, grade 4

To talk.

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

To talk and sing.


12 years old, grade 6

To talk to people.

Sidorov Daniel

To speak.

10 years old, grade 4

Question: "Why does a person need a vocal voice?"

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

To sing cleanly.

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

To perform beautiful pieces. For





vocal works.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7




suffering or joy, when singing, as well as completely

reveals the character and soul of a person.


feelings through songs.



10 years old, grade 4

To sing.

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

To sing.


12 years old, grade 6

To sing.

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

To sing.

Question: "What vocal works do you like?"

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

I love the piece "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep".

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6



15 years old, grade 6



Gl and n to and,

Shostakovich, Rodion Shchedrin and Mikhail Yakovlev.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

Elina Chaga "Boogie-woogie", Brilliant "Muscovites".

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

Romances by various composers.


12 years old, grade 5

in my own way

beautiful ...



10 years old, grade 4

"Winged swing", "Beautiful is far away."

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

Fast, funny.


12 years old, grade 6

Works by contemporary singers.

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

Adele "Skyfall", from Titanic.

Question: "What works would you like to perform?"

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

I would like to perform the piece "The Revived Doll".

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

Famous works all over the world.



15 years old, grade 6

I would like to perform a romance to the verses of Pushkin "Winter

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

Julia Parshuta "The Month of May".

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

Celine Dion "My heart will go on".


12 years old, grade 5

Solo. Loya roses are dark scarlet well .. I don’t even know what else ..



10 years old, grade 4


On the old film.

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

Various English.


12 years old, grade 6

I didn't think about it.

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

Adele "Skyfall", from Titanic.

Question: "What works do you have in your vocal repertoire?"

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3


Vocalise 2, "A dream is a wish you heard makes".

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

Music by M. Glinka, words by S. Gorodetsky "Glory";

Music by I. Dunaevsky, words by M. Matusovsky “Fly,

Music by G. Sviridov, words by B. Pasternak "Soul";



dates, Moscow ";




Moose. C. Cui, words by F. Tyutchev "Spring";



the freckles are smiling. "



15 years old, grade 6



For example:


"Bird cherry,

"Boat," Music, "Glory," Lullaby and others.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4


"P and r at s k and y


The giant - "Shabu-dabu".

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

blue ",



sundress ",



Seidler Vocalise No. 10, C. Cui "Autumn".


Kosmachev "Song about an Elk", Konkone Vocalise No. 7.

12 years old, grade 5



10 years old, grade 4

"The beautiful is far away."

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

"Winter in the forest", "Why does the bear sleep in winter."


12 years old, grade 6

A. Alyabyev "Winter Road", "Zhuravel", "Cuckoo" and

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

"Mana-mana", vocalise No. 4, "Oh, winter is winter", etc.

Question: “What vocal performers do you know?

like in their repertoire? "

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

Selena Gomez "Love you like a love song".

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6


"Crazy, Irakli" I love you very much ",

Nargiz "You are my tenderness", etc.



15 years old, grade 6

Luciano Pavarotti. His tenor is able to win the heart



to execute


performed usual hits, and also loved to sing chanson.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

Sisters Tolmachev "Shine", Yulianna Karaulova "Stars in

are burning in the sky. "

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

Natasha James Marsh (like all works), Dina

Garipov "What if".


12 years old, grade 5

Hmm ... I don't even know ..



10 years old, grade 4

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

I don’t know what their names are.


12 years old, grade 6

I know many, it is long to enumerate.

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

Adele, Basta, all songs.

Question: "What qualities of a vocal voice do you know about?"

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

Clean, sonorous, clear, loud.

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

Timbre, melody, sonority.



15 years old, grade 6

Timbre, breathing, sound science and others.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

Smoothness, lyricism, sensuality, clarity ...


12 years old, grade 5

I do not even know.



10 years old, grade 4

Breathing, intonation.

Butova Sophia


12 years old, grade 6

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

Timbre, pitch, volume.

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

Clean, sonorous, clear.

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6




15 years old, grade 6

I would like to develop my vocal qualities, such as:

breathing, range development.

Panova Evelina

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

Lyricism and fluency.


12 years old, grade 5

Rarely take breath and take high pitches.



10 years old, grade 4

Sing clean sounds.

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

Develop the qualities to sing well.


12 years old, grade 6

Sing loudly, not in the nose.

Sidorov Daniel

Question: "What poets do you know?"

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin.

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

Pushkin, Tyutchev, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Balmont, Barto,

Blok, Bunin, Yesenin, Marshak, Mayakovsky, Nekrasov, Fet,



15 years old, grade 6



Mayakovsky, Ivan Bunin, Nikolay Zabolotsky, Marina

Tsvetaeva, Sasha Cherny, Konstantin Erberg, etc.

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Yesenin, Tyutchev, Nekrasov.

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

S. Yesenin, P. Sinyavsky, A. Pushkin.


12 years old, grade 5






10 years old, grade 4

Pushkin, Lermontov.

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade

Pushkin A.S.


12 years old, grade 6

Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok, Yesenin.

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

Pushkin, Lermontov.

Question: "Whose poems are the following works written on?":

1. Muses. S. Prokofiev "Chatterbox";

2. Muses. P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn";

3. Muses. G. Sviridov "Winter Evening";

4. Muses. A. Varlamov "A lonely sail is gleaming white";

5. Muses. E. Krylatova "Winged Swing".

Talysheva Daria

8 years old, grade 3

1. K. Chukovsky

2. F. Tyutchev

3. A. Pushkin

4. M. Lermontov

5. don't know

Kravchenko Evgeniya

12 years old, grade 6

1.A. Barto

2. A. Pleshcheev

3. A. Pushkin

4. M. Lermontov

5. Yu. Entin



15 years old, grade 6

1.A. Barto

2. A. Pleshcheev

3. A. Pushkin

4. M. Lermontov

5. don't know

Panova Evelina

11 years old, grade 4

1. don't know

2. Pleshcheev

4. Lermontov

5. Entin (not sure)

Olga Korobkova

16 years old, grade 7

1.A. Barto

2. A. Pleshcheev

3. A. Pushkin

4. M. Lermontov

5. Yu. Entin


12 years old, grade 5

1. don't know

4. Lermontov

5 don't remember.



10 years old, grade 4

Butova Sophia

7 years old, 2nd grade


12 years old, grade 6

1. K. Chukovsky

2. F. Tyutchev

3. A. Pushkin

4. M. Lermontov not remember

Sidorov Daniel

10 years old, grade 4

1. don't know

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.