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Item #: SCP-001

Laconic Containment Procedures: Create several/no false files alongside the true file/files and protect them all with a Berryman-Langford memetic kill agent that causes heart attacks in uninoculated viewers. Execute anyone who leaks information about SCP-001 to the general public, except as required under ████-███-██████.

Laconic Description: SCP-001 is a special case and is not a single SCP, but rather a collection of "SCP-001 Proposals", which do not compete for 001 but offer alternate interpretations of what could be an 001. Depending on headcanon, they are variably alternate universe occurrences, decoys or fakes, or 001s established before whatever the current system is was developed in-universe. In theory, one, some, all, or none of them could be the real SCP-001.

Each is characteristic of its era and its author's perspective on what fiction means to them.

There are currently more than thirty SCP-001 proposals. Below are summaries of each. Feel free to create or read individual summary pages for each proposal.

  • CODE NAME: Jonathan Ball - Sheaf of Papers: A sheaf of papers detailing an SCP document. Each time it is opened, a new SCP object is found. The Foundation is unsure whether the papers create the object or lead to its discovery.
  • CODE NAME: Dr. Gears - The Prototype: Written in an extremely rough format signifying the document was written before the Foundation was organized, it is an alien humanoid that creates powerful radioactive forces and mini-singularities. It killed Dr. Keter, inspiring the "Keter Class" designation in this honor.
  • CODE NAME: Dr. Clef - The Gate Guardian: A colossal energy being, wielding a sword that annihilates anything that passes too close at the atomic level. Heavily implied to be the angel guarding the Garden of Eden from the biblical Book of Genesis and has references to other vaguely Abrahamic SCP objects. Contains a transmission from the future during which the being leaves the gate and the rapture begins; a voice calls out to Cain and Abel, "my two sons."
  • CODE NAME: qntm - The Lock: A small ellipsoid-shaped gem surrounded by a gold ring that is warm to the touch. It appears to emit some microwave radiation and has an infinitely complex lock on one end, but the key that would normally fit into it is missing. No attempts to open the lock have been successful and it is completely indestructible. Heavily connected to Cain and Abel through a series of Tales.
  • CODE NAME: Bright - The Factory: Not a traditional SCP Article but one of many "Talks with Mann" style O5's Tale, wherein an O5 member talks to Dr. Mann about something in the world. Details the history and existence of The Factory, one of the older GoIs, as the secret SCP-001. The Factory itself was a massive factory built in the 1800s by a pagan and devil worshiper. The Factory could create any product imaginable but had a "dark side," where many now-documented SCPs come from. The story of The Factory culminates with a massive battle between regular humans and "Faeries," human-appearing anomalies created in the depths of The Factory; the surviving humans formed the Foundation. Additional documents suggest Dr. Wondertainment was enslaved here as well.
  • CODE NAME: Dr. Mann - The Spiral Path: A spiral-shaped gravel path that, when walked one way, goes uphill and downhill normally, but when walked the other, is continuously uphill. Attached as a Tale, Document 001-O5 discusses how early members of what would become the Foundation used this as inspiration to create anomalous items, to just see what they can do. Eventually, things get out of hand, and anomalies they didn't create begin to appear, leading to the ever-increasing number of SCPs.
  • CODE NAME: Dr. Mackenzie - The Legacy: A collection of objects including a metallic block of unknown material, a key made of that same material, and a diary belonging to an "Administrator." The diary follows broken and vague parts of this Administrator's story and culminates in a document telling how he was from another universe and is attempting to halt or slow down a "Corruption" that resulted from his people bending the rules of reality too much. The diary says he's found a solution and compiled it in a document, which has yet to be found.
  • CODE NAME: S. Andrew Swann - The Database: A meta SCP-001, wherein the Foundation discovers that it is in a fictional world created by its authors.
  • CODE NAME: Scantron - The Foundation: A school building that manifests the foundation and all the anomalies they contain. Written from the perspective of the FBI Unusual Incidents Unit.
  • CODE NAME: Djoric/Dmatix - Thirty-Six: A group of thirty-six individuals capable of lessening or neutralizing any SCPs they come near or into contact with. If one dies, a large number of severe supernatural phenomena suddenly occur, resulting in hundreds of deaths. It is implied that through fate and forces not clearly defined in the article, they are destined to restore the world.
  • CODE NAME: djkaktus/TwistedGears - Ouroboros: A hub for multiple SCP-001 proposals written by djkaktus, with TwistedGears's help on the second. All occur in the same universe. These Proposals include:
    • The Children: Nine brain-dead children that gained anomalous properties after O5-1 brutally experimented on them, rendering them brain-dead. They emit radiation and can destroy stuff if they're close together and someone gives them a redacted keyphrase. Acts as an origin of the Foundation's mission and philosophy, as they created them to use as a weapon against an arcane kingdom.
    • The Broken God: The god of metal, intelligence, and machines Mekhane is worshipped by the Church of the Broken God; the Church unites parts of the god's body and it builds itself, rampaging across Mexico causing countless casualties. Eventually, it is shattered by SCP-2399. Still active, the Foundation must keep Mekhane's parts separated, lest they unite and attack again.
    • Atonement: A researcher turned into a humanoid singularity after an accident. He looks into the multiverse and sees that anomalies will eventually become so widespread that nothing will be able to contain them; he offers to obliterate every universe except our own to solve this problem. The Foundation decides that although this would cause infinite, agonizing death for the rest of the multiverse they must do it; SCP-001 betrays them but is sealed away in the end.
    • The Way it Ends: Not an SCP article but a series of Tales about a Chaos Insurgency member's journey to wipe out every member of the O5 Council. In the end, he is successful, leading to the formation of a new O5 Council and Chaos Insurgency.
  • CODE NAME: Kate McTiriss - A Record: An SCP slot that, in-universe, makes whatever is written within it true. A researcher edits it to make herself God.
  • CODE NAME: Kalinin - Past and Future: An entity called the Planet of Hands which wishes ill of humanity and is the apparent source of all anomalous phenomena in the universe and is altering certain SCPs to be more deadly than they were before. Created in conjunction with an associated Tale series that fleshes the narrative out; a 4th-wall-break where those entities are SCP Wiki article writers and editors, similar to Swann's Proposal.
  • CODE NAME: Wrong - The Consensus: A reality restructuring event that created the current reality, caused by an Occult War in the previous reality. Only 13 random people that would later become the O5 Council retained their memories of the original reality, and are the only indicators that the event ever occurred. It is revealed at the end of the article that O5-13 did not keep his memories from before the event occurred and lied to be a tiebreaker vote.
  • CODE NAME: S. D. Locke - When Day Breaks: Originally written for the SCP-3000 Contest, this is not an origin of the SCP Foundation, but an end of the world. The Sun transforms and causes all living things to melt like wax but stay alive. An SCP-Tale hybrid, it's written from the perspective of a Foundation agent attempting to reach safety. The Administrator's note from the "About the Foundation" page spawned the idea of flipping the dark-bad/light-good dichotomy.
  • CODE NAME: spikebrennan - God's Blind Spot: A spot designated as Facility T that prevents all human death within its area (to a reasonable extent). Created after God went to kill Moses for not circumcising his son and Moses's wife Zipporah circumcised him before God could kill Moses. The Foundation has since made a contract with God that limits the time they can use the spot in return for not being killed when they leave.
  • CODE NAME: WJS - Normalcy: A non-anomalous document that is shared between the members of the O5 Council, which defines what is considered to be the basic laws of reality. Anything that happens outside of what the document defines is considered to be anomalous. Proposals have been made throughout the years, including one from July 1945 (about a month before the events on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) about the laws of nuclear fission. A button at the bottom of the page promises access to the actual document but leads to a letter written to the reader from an O5 member, stating perfectly why the SCP Foundation is cold, not cruel.
  • CODE NAME: BILLITH - The World At Large: Another Foundation planted life on Earth millions of years ago. This other Foundation has control over most of the universe.
  • CODE NAME: Tanhony - Dead Men: An 84-year old man that, when removing/affecting certain parts of his body, can affect how human death works. The Ethics Committee determines that the O5 Council is using it for themselves, and plans to kill and replace them. The O5 use their mobile task force, Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand"), the Ethics committee uses theirs, Omega-1 ("Law's Left Hand")) and the Administrator uses theirs, Rēsh-1 ("Seat of Consciousness"). The SCP, the Administrator, and many of the O5 Council are killed.
  • CODE NAME: Lily - The World's Gone Beautiful: An event that will take place 24 hours before the end of all life on Earth during which flowers will grow all over the planet and everyone will become peaceful. The actual event that ends the world is not described.
  • CODE NAME: Tufto - The Scarlet King: An extradimensional being called "The Scarlet King" that exists in multiple realities and has been attempting to enter this reality for hundreds of years. Said to be the physical embodiment of antiquity's hatred for the modern ways of life. When SCP-231-7 dies, he will enter our reality. SCP-2317 is a similar iteration of this SCP-001 proposal, though a direct connection is never explicitly made.
  • CODE NAME: Jim North - A Simple Toymaker: A reality bender who bends reality to make anomalous toys named Dr. Wondertainment. Many other SCPs are related to or created by him.
  • CODE NAME: I.H. Pickman - Story of Your Life: Similar to The Database, however, told differently, where documentation of it can only be written in a narrative format.
  • CODE NAME: The Great Hippo (feat. Peppersghost) - A Good Boy: A text generator AI that is fed with the entire SCP database and advises the O5 Council on how to better contain anomalies. After much early success, it is given too much power and it starts to neutralize anomalies and O5/Ethics officials who try to stop it. The ending is left vague for the reader to interpret whether the AI did neutralize all the anomalies, or was just messing with the database. It is the only SCP-001 entry that is "Explained" (non-anomalous) as it is just a regular computer system running a neural network with lots of information on anomalies.
  • CODE NAME: weizhong|thedeadlymoose|Drewbear|Dexanote - Project Palisade: The Foundation discovers "The Worm", an entity that destroys reality, and attempts to protect themselves from it by creating alternate realities as shields. A hypothesis is made that this method strengthens the entity, but the Foundation denies it for some reason.
  • CODE NAME: Captain Kirby - O5-13: O5 Council member O5-13, said to be anomalous after being the sole survivor after the previous Site-01 detonated its nuclear warhead for unknown reasons. At the end of the article, however, it is revealed that O5-13 isn't anomalous and is the only one of the O5 Council that lacks some degree of anomalous properties; only O5-13 and the Administrator know this. Since O5-13 is different than O5-1 through O5-12 in this regard, they see him as different, and therefore an anomaly.
  • CODE NAME: Pedantique - Fishhook: A choose-your-own-adventure tale featuring a Foundation employee with insufficient clearance trying to view an SCP-001 file. Also a take on how Berryman-Langford Memetic Kill Agent works. Contains multiple endings.
  • CODE NAME: not_a_seagull - The Sky Above The Port: A perpetual ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario that is only kept at bay by entertaining a figure in a cave that can only be seen through a strange orb floating in the cave. A proposal for entertainment is to let the entity read its own SCP article. This ties in with the fact that the collapsible at the bottom of the page merely repeats the article; opening the collapsible on this article repeats it, meaning the article can potentially go on forever, which would indefinitely entertain the entity.
  • CODE NAME: Meta Ike - The Solution: A machine made by the Foundation that is designed to "collapse" reality when end-of-the-world SCPs breach containment, then recreate it based off of a given narrative. Eventually, it begins to act on its own; to fix this, the Foundation tries rebooting it; it breaks, forgets what the old universe was like, and ends up trying to create a new universe based on incomplete data. The article is therefore from the new universe which is different from the original one but ensures that while details may be off, the general narrative is the same.
  • CODE NAME: Noir Box - Tindalos Trinity: A set of three different timelines represented by several SCPs that effectively function as a narrative Ouroboros. Very confusing to read.
  • CODE NAME: Tanhony II - The Black Moon: An extradimensional entity that spontaneously enters our reality and obliterates all conscious entities. The Administrator is an immortal man who founded the Foundation and is tasked as the "Counterbalance" of the Black Moon. Centuries after the extinction of humanity, he managed to trap the Black Moon in the digital space. There, he brought the Black Moon into physical form and managed to kill it before restating the universe.
  • CODE NAME: The Conspiracy: The fact that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy split the timeline, meaning that nobody after that conceives history as the same another person does.
  • CODE NAME: Arbelict - You Are The Anomaly, Tumor Of The Worlds: Humanity, which is the only race in the multiverse that passively creates alternate timelines whenever they make a decision. The O5 Council has decided to destroy the universe to save the multiverse.
  • CODE NAME: McDoctorate - The Placeholder: A phenomenon that makes anything assigned to the SCP-001 slot more powerful and dangerous. It was assigned as SCP-001 and amplified itself, combining with Maria Jones to form an entity called Archivist Prime. It has now spread itself to anything that has the number 1 in it. The foundation removes the concept of primacy from the noosphere.
  • CODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE - MEMENTO MORI: A mansion that belongs to Franz William, former foundation administrator, and 1st Occult War veteran. Contains multiple anomalous artifacts. Unlike most SCP-001, foundation employees are encouraged to read this article.
  • CODE NAME: Dr. Eates - A Test of Character: The fact that the O5 Council does not exist despite all the evidence to the contrary. The Administrator contacts high-position employees to vote on things.
  • CODE NAME: I.H. Pickman / S. D. Locke - Keter Duty: A facility that houses several SCP objects, most of which are Keter. Hazardous Keters are contained by other Keters that effectively cancel each other out - if a cell breaches, that area becomes hostile to human life. If all are breached, a bubble of reality distortion will spread from the building and consume the universe. The article implies that this may have happened before, but the world was partially restored to the way it is now.
  • CODE NAME: Pickman/Blank - The Fontispiece: A memetic phenomenon that prevents anyone without proper memetic training from mentally connecting anything with the letter sequence S-C-P as related to the SCP Foundation, allowing them to operate all their front companies. This was created by Thilo Zwist after the foundation's involvement with the Cuban Missile Crisis was discovered.
  • CODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE's Gold Proposal - AMONI-RAM: A technologically-advanced city in the middle of the Arabian Desert that exists in its self-contained reality and thus can only be accessed by people who already know of its existence. It was the home of the Mekhanite civilization during the Antediluvian Era and is still inhabited by robots. At the center of it is a throne that turns Doctor Robert Aram into the latest incarnation of the ancient warrior Bumaro.
  • CODE NAME: RALLISTON - The Queen's Gambit: A mega factory north of Kraków, Poland that was built above Fae ruins. It contains a massive Fae goddess Mab that accepts sacrifices, strips people of their identities, and turns them into the Nameless. It acts as an alternate version of An O5's Tale focusing more on the Nameless.
  • CODE NAME: KingPogan - The Insurgency: An event called the Apex Cascade that eliminates chaos theory and makes all ordered systems completely random, which eventually results in the undoing of the laws of physics and a ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. This is kept from happening by the stalemate between the foundation and the Chaos Insurgency.
  • CODE NAME: D. Ulysses Foole - Last Ride of the Day: A time machine used by O5-01 to travel backwards in time to try and thwart an all-powerful being that destroyed all of humanity. It turned out that said being was could only be defeated by a very easy ritual.
  • CODE NAME: Naigros - R ¦ A ¦ G ¦ E: An outcome in which the Foundation (now known as Astaroth) becomes a divine entity controlling the universe, and Nahash attempts to destroy them. Astaroth and the Administrator create a child together, called Incarna, but it fails to kill Nahash.
  • CODE NAME: ROUNDERHOUSE's Jade Proposal - : A Daevite city called Mamjul that sank underwater near the tip of India. The noosphere around Mamjul is a city called Korar, which is inhabited by the minds of ancient Daevites.
  • CODE NAME: Plague's Proposal - The Ones That Got Away: A phenomenon that causes containment breaches to still occur despite the near-infinite amount of resources put forward to stop them.
  • CODE NAME: NULL SUM - The Problem: An unnamed cult registered as GOI-4379 which has the ability to erase things from existence. O5-13 has been manipulating this group as well as the rest of the O5 Council to achieve his personal goals.
  • CODE NAME: Dafydd Utica Foolfellow's Proposal - the HUMAN! element?: An AI art program created by Totleighsoft which gained a physical form and saved the world from an alien invasion. It then took over the foundation and made everything be nice or die.
  • CODE NAME: Nico's Proposal - The Throne of God: The position of the Administrator, without which the Foundation will cease to exist.
  • CODE NAME: Dr. Cimmerian's Proposal - Ethical considerations with regards to the former inhabitants of 81 Galatine Two and Secace Epsilon Seven, colloquially known as the Sword Stars: A point in space between two stars which causes anxiety when viewed. The foundation sent two ships to observe the point and their crews all committed suicide or were attacked by technological mutants.

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page revision: 144, last edited: 12 Dec 2023 20:46

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SCP-001 - SCP Explained (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.