Oblitus Casa (Video Game) - TV Tropes (2024)

Oblitus Casa (Video Game) - TV Tropes (1)

Welcome home, old friend. How long we've all been waiting...

Oblitus CasaOblitus Casa (Video Game) - TV Tropes (2) is a horror fan-game based on Five Nights at Freddy's and a long-awaited sequel to fellow fangame Five Nights at Treasure Island, released in 2022 and developed by Radiance.

The game follows Jake Smith, the main protagonist of the first game, a year after the events of the original, still wondering why things turned like they did on Treasure Island. To attempt to get answers, he returns to the island and makes his new base in a lonely cabin… at least, until it starts to be attacked by a new assortment of toons, all of which have one goal: to kill him.

While the game is definitely a sequel to the original, many smaller details have been changed as the creators were not satisfied with the original story. As they put it, while the overall plot is the same, many finer details such as in-universe designs and backstories have been altered to fit this new vision. In addition, the game is meant to be the definitive ending to the long and complicated legacy of Treasure Island, with the ultimate fate of the series left in the hands of fans.

Oblitus Casa provides examples of:

  • 20 Minutes into the Past: The game is set in 2004.
  • Achievement Mockery:
    • "Moron" for getting killed by Pete, considering how easy it is to avoid him.
    • "Skill Issue" for dying ten times during Night 5.
    • "Are you lost?" for staying in the Tunnels for thirty minutes.
  • Achievement System:
    • Beating Night 5, Night 6, and the Creepypasta Challenges each will award you a white star in the main menu. Beating True Nightmare Custom Night (the last challenge in the game) will award you a red star.
    • Login with a Game Jolt account will allow you to earn trophies.
  • Art Evolution: While the first game had already drastically improved the art style of older versions, Oblitus Casa doubles down and makes the models drastically more detailed while still resembling their respective base characters. Older characters have also received minor to major redesigns.
  • Big Bad: MOTHER acts as the overarching force behind everything in the tragedy of Treasure Island, and cements it with her role as the main antagonist of Night 5 as revenge on Jake for burning Hourglass, replacing (almost) every character, taking on her own toon form known as Mickmick.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Jake Smith finally manages to end the horrors of Treasure Island, first by burning most of the toons in Hourglass, and then by defeating MOTHER in her game. However, his friends Greg and Lisa are still dead, and Jake is no doubt psychologically damaged by the whole situation, as he is declared "delusional" by the time he gets out of the island. Plus, he is still declared a suspect in the disappearances of Greg, Lisa, and Henry, and it is unknown whether he is able to exonerate himself.
  • Body Horror: The Face, now corrupted, has somehow gained human body parts. He now has a visible skull behind his now-yellow eyes, and has gained a pair of teeth. He also begins to fall apart during Night 5 as his skin is in the process of melting.
  • The Bus Came Back:
    • Willie is heavily based on Willy, a character from Treasure Island 3.0. who was going to replace Photo-Negative Mickey. Due to backlash, he was scrapped, but he did return for the final version’s Custom Night. Here, however, Willy has been reimagined into Willie, and finally takes P.N.M.’s spot as the first antagonist encountered.
    • Photo-Negative Minnie was a character in the first versions of Treasure Island, before eventually gaining Minnie’s normal colors and eventually becoming Impurity. Now, she’s returned as a member of the cast of main enemies, along with a brand-new set of eyes and a redesign that much more closely resembles canon Minnie.
    • Slester was another character from Treasure Island’s early days, though not much is known about his role other than as an Easter egg. He makes his grand return in Oblitus Casa’s Custom Night, complete with a brand new design.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: MOTHER’s eyes are white, ring-like circles against her silhouette body.
  • Checkpoint: Getting killed in Post-Mortem as of 2.0 restarts the round until the player collects all the Mickey heads.
  • Chekhov's Gun: In the previous game, the Hourglass is an amalgamation of all of the toons, with the exception of the Face and the Undying. This means that by the events of this game, the Face is still around to haunt you in the Attic, but what about the Undying? The True Nightmare cutscene reveals that the Undying was able to move around because it was stuffed with the body of and powered by the will of Henry Miller. Once he got out, it presumably became a normal Mickey suit again.
  • Cosmic Horror Reveal: MOTHER is actually a god and represents Discovery Island itself.
  • Crapsack World: Unlike before, the cabin in this game shows the true darkness of Discovery Island rather than hiding it behind a cheerful background like the resort did.
  • Darker and Edgier: Somehow more than 6.0 the installment before, but the atmosphere in Oblitus Casa is absolutely hellishly dark with no sign of hope anywhere.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Willie, Pete, Dippy, and Mortimer, the former three due to being based on the earliest designs of their base characters, and the latter being based on Suicide Mouse, which was mentioned as having been a black-and-white cartoon.
  • Easter Egg:
    • Much like Five Nights at Treasure Island, Mortimer and the Forgotten One are easter egg toons that you may or may not encounter during gameplay. Unlike FNaTI, however, the Forgotten One will jumpscare you if you don't deter him.
    • If you beat MOTHER, a star will be displayed on the menu screen. Clicking on it will access a separate menu layout that displays the title "Five Nights at Treasure Island: Oddities". Clicking on any of the options will trigger a jumpscare of a toothed Mickey,note followed by a blue screen of death, which contains a hidden message from the creators:

      If this is the first time you've seen this error screen, please ignore it as it isn't real. If this screen appears again, either because you accidentally triggered it or purposely wanted to read it, please read this. Five Nights at Treasure Island 3 will never happen. While the idea is amusing to us and we have entertained it, we do not want to spend another year or two making another FNaF fangame. The concept could live on via other mediums, but we would prefer it to stay of the game medium for us. Especially if it has to be another fangame. It should be up to you all, if you want, to come up with a continuation to the story yourselves. If you clearly understand the biggest cutscene that Casa has provided, then you might probably understand we're handing this off to the fans. You don't need Radiance to make a good and interesting entry to the infinite world we just opened up to you. Have fun with it. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. This is filler. Blah.

  • Eyeless Face: Like the first game, the majority of the toons have no eyes, instead having dark, empty sockets.
  • Final-Exam Boss: MOTHER in her Mickmick form tests every single mechanic used by other characters in a highly aggressive manner, with the exception of The Face who remains in the attic.
  • Grand Finale: Oblitus Casa is the definitive end of the Five Nights at Treasure Island franchise. The True Nightmare cutscene retroactively canonizes every single one of the game's countless iterations and spinoffs, considering them to be the results of MOTHER continuously rewriting reality over and over again, but with her demise in Night 5, the cycle is ended once and for all.
  • Gratuitous Latin: "Oblitus Casa" is Latin for "forgotten cabin".
  • Guide Dang It!: Post Mortem is infamous for being very confusing which is not helped by the tips only appearing when you first enter it. While the 2.0 update has made the tips for survival more clear, it still leaves out vital info such as only needing to stab YBF once since misuse of it will speed up Shade Sadie. Confounding this is that in the 2.0 version, Post Morten is now required to beat the first night.
  • Harder Than Hard: The hardest challenges in Custom Night are Nightmare (six toons from the story mode set to level 20) and its big brother, True Nightmare (all twelve toons set to level 20).
  • Hate Sink: MOTHER is ultimately characterized as a detestable, manipulative, inexcusable narcissist by the end of Oblitus Casa, one that a viewer would be glad to know dies at the end of Night 5.
  • Hell Is That Noise:
    • When Daisy gets into your office, she will make a loud quacking noise much like Disembodied, and attract other toons towards you.
    • If you fail to erase the drawing in the notepad fast enough, Belial will be formed in your office and begin to wail and cry loudly, attracting all other toons and making your life much harder for the rest of the night.
    • During Post-Mortem, if you accidentally click on a fake Mickey head, Shade Donald will appear and, much like the other ducks, begin quacking very loudly, along with distorting the visuals.
  • How We Got Here: The opening narration is Jake Smith being interviewed by a psychologist named Jared Rowley, who attempts to make him talk about events that transpired during the year he was missing, and specifically, what really happened at "the cabin". It then flashes back to the events of the cabin, and the game begins.
  • Jump Scare: As expected in a Freddy’s fan-game, almost every character kills you with a jumpscare.
  • Justified Extra Lives: If you die during the main night, you are sent to Post-Mortem, where you are given one more chance to get back in the night after collecting Mickey heads in the cameras. While you are impeded by the ghostly Shades, if you can brave them then you are sent back to the time when you died and have one more shot to see the night through.
  • Killed Offscreen: The Night 1 notes confirm that Greg MacLochlainn and Lisa Bertsch have died in the previous game.
  • Killing in Self-Defense: What Jake does to Hourglass at the end of Night 4. The side effect of this was sending MOTHER into a rage.
  • Kill It with Fire:
    • In the Night 4 cutscene, Jake traps Hourglass in a small room with gas barrels and sets them on fire, burning it alive.
    • This is also how MOTHER/MickMick meets her end after defeating her.
  • Locked Door: As of 2.0, the Tunnels section requires you to find a key inside an isolated room, then return to the starting point, unlock the door and move on to the next night.
  • Musical Pastiche: The ambient music on the final night is based on the music on the final night of the first game, with them both being droning synth sounds.
  • Police Are Useless: Great job leaving Jake on Discovery Island to be haunted by psychotic toons, officers, now he's traumatized for life. In other words, though there are no police officers present, in the backstory, they seemingly allow Jake to get involved with the toons again and refuse to actually help him out, which seemingly includes the therapist at the beginning.
  • Red Filter of Doom: During the Smile Dog Challenge, the whole screen will be tinted red if the Smile Dog is close to getting you.
  • Ret-Canon: Unlike FNaTI, this game is canon to the initial Abandoned by Disney story.
  • Scripted Event: MOTHER will attack you near the end of Night 1 to introduce Post-Mortem.
  • Secret Character: Six additional characters in Custom Night must be unlocked first before you can activate them for the challenge. Cabin Face is unlocked by clearing Night 6, Slester by defeating Jeff the Killer, Photo-Negative Mickey by defeating Slenderman, Oswald by defeating Smile Dog, Ink-Blot MickMick by defeating Eyeless Jack, and The Corruptus by clearing the Nightmare Custom Night.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The game features a Creepypasta Challenge Mode in its Custom Night, where you face off against creepypasta legends Jeff the Killer, the Slenderman, the Smile Dog and Eyeless Jack in different challenges. The Slenderman Challenge, in particular, is a direct reference to Slender, which tasks you to find eight pages before he is able to claim you.
    • Two of the Custom Night-exclusive characters are Ink-Blot MickMick and Corruptus. Ink-Blot MickMick is from Nightmare Before Disney, a spin-off series from Treasure Island, while Corruptus is from Abandoned: Discovery Island, a fan revival of the original version of the first game, albeit heavily redesigned and referred to as The Corruptus.
  • Vicious Cycle: In his monologue, Henry Miller reveals that the events of the previous iterations of Five Nights at Treasure Island and its spinoffs actually happened within the in-game universe, caused by MOTHER rewinding back reality over and over again. Defeating MOTHER in Night 5 means that the time loop is finally over.
  • Villain No Longer Idle: MOTHER, who watched from the background in the first game, actively confronts Jake on Night 5 with the intent to kill after the death of Hourglass.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: While MOTHER dies unambiguously as a direct result of Hourglass (the combination of the first game's enemies up to Night 3) also dying unambiguously, it's never explained what happened to the second generation of toons that debut in this game. It's likely they were incinerated with the rest, but even if they were, they're nowhere to be found in MickMick's boss battle. Averted as of 2.0, as their hanging bodies may occasionally appear in the cabin during Night 5.
  • A Wizard Did It: The previous versions of Treasure Island are retconned as being canon events caused by a paranormal time loop created by MOTHER.
  • You Are Already Dead:
    • If Belial materializes, not only she will attract other toons to the Office faster, but she will disable your access to the Attic. While you still can fend other toons off, there is no way to defend yourself against the Face if this happens.
    • If Photo-Negative Minnie reaches the Office, she won't actually attack you unless you check the monitor, but this means you can't lure Willie or Dippy away. Averted as of 2.0, as she will attack you upon reaching the Office regardless of what you do with the monitor.
    • Fail to lure Dippy away from the window, and he will crash it. There is nothing you can do except wait for him to get you.
    • In Night 5, MickMick visibly enters the Office through the left or right door, like Willie did in previous nights. Unlike Willie, however, if this happens, the game is over, as he cannot be lured away like Willie.
    • As of the 2.0 update, Mortimer appearing is practically instant death. In previous versions, you could cheese your way by camping out at the Attic for the rest of the night, since Mortimer disabled the other toons if he appeared and he couldn't attack the Attic. In 2.0 however, he can attack you while in the Attic, taking away your only defense.
Oblitus Casa (Video Game) - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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