166 - SCP Foundation (2024)


Item #: SCP-166

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-166 is housed in an isolated low-risk humanoid containment suite in the minimum-security wing of Humanoid Containment Site-06-3 with the following alterations:

  • A skylight with a direct view of the sky has been installed.
  • The containment suite has been modified with direct ventilation from outside air.
  • SCP-166 is to be fed a diet consisting only of wild game, fruits, and vegetables supplemented with organically grown and raised food products (see Document 166-03-Delta for additional information).
  • SCP-166 is to be provided only hand-made clothing produced from linen, cotton, wool, or other natural fibers, or at her request, materials and a sewing kit with which she can make her own clothing.

Allowances are to be provided for religious iconography, literature, and other materials at SCP-166's request subject to the approval of attending Level 3 senior research staff. SCP-166 is allowed access to a Catholic Site-06-3 chaplain for confession, mass, and other sacraments except under the circ*mstances listed below.

A 50 meter Red Zone has been marked surrounding SCP-166's containment area. Personnel scoring less than 45 on the Edwards-Xu Extrasensory Resistance Test are prohibited from entering this area at any time, and all personnel are to evacuate the area for 48 hours prior to a full moon and lasting 48 hours afterwards except under emergency circ*mstances. During this time, routine interaction with SCP-166 may only be performed via intercom or videoconferencing, and food and other materials are to be provided via automated delivery systems. All personnel exposed to SCP-166 under these circ*mstances are to be administered a Class B amnestic and quarantined under mind-affecting/memetic hazard protocols for a period of one week.

Description: SCP-166 is a human female in her late teens of unremarkable appearance recovered from the ████████ ██ ████████ ██████████ Convent in Cornwall, England. Medical examination has shown evidence of significant deviation from baseline human physiology:

  • Accelerated cellular activity, resulting in accelerated hair growth of up to 20cm per month and quick recovery from injuries and illnesses.
  • Extraordinary sensitivity to airborne particulates such as that from smoke or aerosols, resulting in symptoms similar to an acute asthma attack when exposed.
  • Extraordinary sensitivity to food prepared from genetically modified crops or with even trace amounts of pesticides, resulting in symptoms similar to food poisoning.
  • Unusual skin reaction to machine-made or synthetic clothing, resulting in blisters or ulceration within 45 minutes of continuous wear.
  • A subconscious desire to view or sleep under the night sky and access to outside air, which can result in lethargy, nausea, and other symptoms similar to anemia if denied for extended periods of time.

In addition, SCP-166 exhibits unusual behavior up to 48 hours prior and subsequent to a full moon. During this period, SCP-166 reportedly experiences auditory hallucinations consistently described as a female voice or voices singing and whispering. Any living human subject that approaches SCP-166 during this time will also experience a mild mind-altering effect that accumulates with exposure. This can result in mood swings, reduced inhibition, occult tendencies, and other marked behavioral changes; in extreme cases, some individuals with extremely low extrasensory resistance have exhibited ritualistic behavior, including lunar worship and dance. Class B amnestics have proven effective in countering these effects and 98% of affected personnel have recovered fully and without incident. In the remaining 2% of personnel, a stronger amnestic (and attendant side effects) have been required to fully counteract the mind-altering effects.

SCP-166's effects — which she claims to have started around the onset of puberty — cause her a significant amount of distress due to her highly devout personality and desire to live a monastic life based on the principles of chastity, poverty, and obedience. Prior to initial containment, SCP-166 would cloister itself prior to each full moon and engage in constant prayer during nighttime, believing that she was being targeted by a demonic entity.

Repeated confessions regarding these incidents to Abbess ████████ resulted in the Abbess petitioning the local Bishop, ██████, out of concern and requesting permission to perform an exorcism. Bishop ██████, a regional liaison to the Foundation, then notified Foundation officials at Site-█. An undercover team from Mobile Task Force Chi-3 ("Exorcists") was dispatched to investigate, and upon arrival documented the unusual circ*mstances surrounding SCP-166. Approval was granted for transportation and SCP-166 voluntarily transferred into Foundation custody on ████-██-██.

Addendum 166-1: Researcher Note

SCP-166 has been remarkably cooperative and helpful since her transfer into Foundation custody, but I am beginning to worry about her state of mind. We are doing everything within our power to help and giving her access to the best psychiatric assets at our disposal, but she is beginning to exhibit signs of depression.

I have attached a proposed revision to her containment procedures. I think that she's trying, but she's all alone and needs a stabilizing influence in her life. Please consider the proposal and get back to me as soon as possible.

Dr. ██████ █████████
Senior Researcher

Addendum 166-2: Document Transcript, Incident 166-14

The following letter of unknown origin was discovered in SCP-166's containment suite on ██-██-████.

Dear ██████,

When I first met your mother, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. She had hooves for feet, antlers on her head, and starlight in her eyes. She was beauty and grace and nature, and I killed her with my own hands.

You see, Eden isn't a place; it's a state of being. They wanted to take us back, and I had to stop them. I took paradise away from us for a second time. I have never had cause to regret what I did on that day, except that the first time you met your father, you had to watch him put a bullet in the head of your mother.

I have no excuses, only an explanation. I hope you understand why I did what I did, and I hope that eventually you can forgive me. I love you, and I wish I could have done more for you; the best I could do was leave you in the hands of kind and loving people and hope they would raise you in my place. From what I've seen, they did well.

I'm sorry you couldn't stay with them, but I promise I'll do my best to make sure your stay here is pleasant. I will keep you safe.

Happy sixteenth birthday, honey, and remember: you are what you make of yourself, and you will always be beautiful.

Your father,
████ ███████

Addendum 166-3: Amendment to Special Containment Procedures

As of ████-██-██, SCP-166 has been granted access to a dedicated phone line and permission to communicate with Abbess ████████ of the ████████ ██ ████████ ██████████ Convent for up to an hour every week.

Between this and the results of Incident 166-14, SCP-166 has already shown markedly improved behavior and mood.

Dr. ██████ █████████
Senior Researcher

Addendum 166-4: Interview Log, ████-██-██

Participants: Abbess ████████, hereafter known as "Abbess." SCP-166, hereafter known as "SCP-166."

Summary: Abbess ████████ entered SCP-166's containment chamber on ████-██-██. After speaking in private with SCP-166, SCP-166 agreed to reactivate recording devices and to speak on the record about her experiences during the full moon incidents. SCP-166 gave a detailed description, after which the Abbess switched off recording devices in order to complete the confession in private.

Abbess: Testing. Testing. The microphone is on. [NAME REDACTED], for the record. Do you state that you have agreed to the recording of this conversation by your own free will, and that you allow this recording to be heard by other persons?

SCP-166: I do.

Abbess: Thank you, [NAME REDACTED]. The men who work here asked if I would do this for them. It will help them to help you, my daughter.

SCP-166: They can't help. Men can't help against the work of the Devil. Only God can.

Abbess: Men are the instrument by which God does his work, [NAME REDACTED].

SCP-166: Men are the servants of the devil. We are all sinners in God's eyes.

Abbess: [NAME REDACTED], I have told you many times. Human beings are the children of God. Created without sin, fallen from grace, yes, but created by God.

SCP-166: But what about me? God didn't make me. The Devil made me…

Abbess: Why do you think that?

SCP-166: Because he comes to me. He comes to me at night, on the nights of the full moon… on the nights when I…

Abbess: When you menstruate?

SCP-166: Yes.

Abbess: Tell me what happens on those nights.

SCP-166: … well, I bleed a lot, and I cramp up, and I sometimes feel sick…


SCP-166: … and then the dreams come.

Abbess: What kind of dreams?

SCP-166: I am in the garden of Eden. It's beautiful. The trees are beautiful, and the fruits look delicious. I want to reach out and pluck the fruit and taste them. But I don't. Because Eve did it, and look what happened?

Abbess: It was not eating the fruit of the tree that was the sin, [NAME REDACTED]. It was disobeying God's command. If God did not command you not to eat the fruit, there is no sin in eating it.

SCP-166: [Extended silence].

Abbess: What happens after that?

SCP-166: … I go to the center of the garden. The Devil is waiting for me there. He's surrounded by witches and monsters…

Abbess: How do you know that he's the Devil?

SCP-166: Because he has horns. And he carries a long spear. And his feet have cloven hooves. Who else could it be?

Abbess: That image was created by men, not God. It was an image drawn from the imagery of the pagan religions they encountered.

SCP-166: Then maybe those men were right. Because he must be the devil. Because of what he makes me do.

Abbess: What does he make you do?

SCP-166: … First he makes me dance. He makes me dance naked under the moonlight while the witches and monsters shout and sing.

Abbess: What do you mean by he makes you dance? Does he force you to dance physically? Threaten you?

SCP-166: He intrudes into my mind. He makes me want to dance. It feels good to dance. Free. I feel happy dancing. The Devil is a cruel and insidious creature.

Abbess: Dancing alone is not a sin, my dear. Dancing is merely an expression of joy.

SCP-166: But dancing naked under the moon in front of all those men is… it's dirty. It's wrong. And then there's what happens next. They bring a man out for me, and he lays down, and I fornicate with him.

Abbess: Sex is not a sin either, my dear. Between a man and his wife, it is an expression of love, comfort, as well as being necessary for having children.

SCP-166: If sex isn't a sin, then why don't the sisters or fathers do it?

Abbess: Priests and nuns give up that joy to better dedicate their lives to God. But there is no sin in it if it is done between a man and his wife, in love.

SCP-166: But the man they bring to me is not my husband. Isn't that a sin?

Abbess: Sex out of wedlock is a sin, yes.

SCP-166: And that's not even the worst of what the Devil makes me do. Because in the middle of… of the fornication, they bring a goat. They kill it and the pour the blood over me and… and the man.

Abbess: And what happens after that?

SCP-166: After that? I… I don't remember.

Abbess: [NAME REDACTED]. You told me this once before what happens next.

SCP-166: … I don't remember, mother.

Abbess: [NAME REDACTED]. You told me that you changed, that you became…

SCP-166: I said that under confession! You told me that I was absolved!

Abbess: … I am sorry. I'm turning off the recording devices now.


166 - SCP Foundation (2024)


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